In case you haven’t noticed, I’m at this awkward crossroad in my life. After this semester ends I’m basically done with grad school. Minus one lingering online class. I feel very I’m not a girl, not yet a woman. Except my version is I’m not a full-time grad school student, not yet a graduateeeee.
I’m still figuring out what happens next. And what I want to be when I grow up.
One of the things I’ve been doing (besides panicking) is I’m getting crystal clear on that vision. And a part of that has been honing in on my own, personal, mission statement. What do I offer this world?
Luckily my boss at CorePower literally asked us to come up with our sankalpa’s or mission statements as a part of a staff meeting. After much thought, I dwindled mine down to this:
I inspire (and uplift!) others to dream big. Live their best life. Conquer the world.
Sound about right?
Why you need a mission statement:
I feel fortunate that opportunities are being thrown my way. Job opportunities, freelance gigs, blog partnerships. Which is AMAZING, don’t get me wrong.
But the truth is, all of them aren’t the right fit. And sometimes it’s easy to get sucked into the excitement of just being offered an opportunity.
I’ve been using my missions statement as a gauge whenever a new opportunity comes my way. Does this align with my mission statement? Will it help me continue to inspire and uplift others?
Even as I create content as a blogger, podcaster and instagram-er, I ask myself “Does this uplift or inspire?” I’m not 100% there with the content I create. But it’s definitely my goal.
How To Create Your Own Mission Statement
☀︎ STEP ONE: Grab a journal and start writing. Answer the questions: why do I get up in the morning? What unique thing do I offer this world.
I personally always encourage using pen + paper versus typing. I know for me I’m more connected and focused when I’m literally writing. Something about the physical act of writing does that for me.
Set a timer and just keep writing for 15 minutes. Even if the sentences aren’t coherent.
☀︎ STEP TWO: Zero in on key points. What words or ideas keep coming up? For me those words were clearly uplift and inspire.
Find your own keywords that inspire you and maybe encourage you to learn or do something new.
☀︎ STEP THREE: Craft a present tense statement starting with “I ___” using these words.
BAM. You got yourself a mission statement.
Your turn: What’s your mission statement for life? Let me know in the comments!
I absolutely love this post so so so much!
I’ve been working on a mission statement for my blog as we move into a rebrand but had never thought about creating one for my life. Definitely something I’m going to work on!
Darrian |
I feel like I’m always tweaking it a little bit — both for the blog + life. But it also felt good to land on something (and it was helpful that my boss literally made me do this as an exercise!)