hello word press, how are you?
I’m totally clueless about the world of blogging still, but realized that apparently word press is the cool place to make a blog and blogger is not.
Jokes, but now I know, and hopefully can do a lot more cool things on wordpress.
I transferred over all my old posts, but I apologize if the formatting, photos and videos are no longer the same.
Anyways, so life?
Things I am currently obsessed with:
Sunrise Yoga:
the above is essentially the story of my life. It’s been hanging near the front door to my apartment since November, yet I still made excuse after excuse
I will admit, yoga and my body were not meant to be. My personality and body are both incredibly tight, and lacks the ability to go with the flow. I like things that require me to be strong and intense and don’t do “relaxation” well. Over the years of dancing and trapeze-ing I have slowly but surely destroyed my joints into a popping mess. The worst thing when I take yoga classes? My poor wrists are always screaming in pain. I am not very good at meditating and concentrating on my breath, so I generally spend the whole yoga class counting down the minutes until I can blast green day on my ipod and be the spazzy mess I was meant to be
I don’t know what it is about “Sunrise Yoga” at crunch gym, maybe it is the format– my poor wrists can handle this class since we do not hold downward dog for a long period of time. the class is only an hour long– I can handle anything for an hour. we move quickly from pose to pose and don’t linger too long, so if I don’t like something, I know it is only temporary.
Maybe its the teacher– Amrit is hilarious. I love how he calls me “little one” and his humorous teaching style.
And maybe it is the fact that it is 7AM and my brain is too asleep to protest and declare hatred of yoga.
I leave crunch feeling energized and super prepare for a day of theater school.
Whatever it is, I have attended TWO yoga classes this week and wish that there was another I could attend at 7AM before next monday. I don’t even know who I am anymore!
Modern Family:
It took me awhile, but I finally hopped on the Modern Family bandwagon last semester and am currently devouring season 2 on DVD. Trust me when I say this show is absolutely hilarious. If i watch one episode, I end up watching 4– it is dangerous.
Almond Milk:
This stuff is like liquid crack. Put it in a bowl of granola? I am in heaven. Because of my recent undiagnosed digestion disorder ( a fancy way of saying I don’t know what is wrong with my belly but it constantly hurts), my mother is concerned that my new love of nuts might be part of the irritation. The fact that granola is semi off limits to me makes a bowl of it with almond milk even more tempting. I can’t win.
the crack of dawn:
man, you can get ALOT done when you wake up at 6:15AM. yeah sure, 6:15 AM sucks. I am suddenly brought back to my high school days– I go to bed and wake up at the same time I did back then.
It is rough fumbling around my dark apartment, getting dressed, and trying to put contact lenses in my tired eyes, but once I’m at the gym I feel like it is worth it. I love looking at the other people sweating thinking “wow, we are all insane, but therefore more awesome”.
Once I’m done sweating on some days I have a butt ton of time before my first class. This time is GLORIOUS. I learned that Whole Foods AND Trader Joe’s in Union Square are practically empty at 9:30 AM. how awesome. I’ve watched more morning talk shows than is healthy– but I feel oh so well informed about the celebrity world. and I have time to just sit and relax. 6:15 AM ain’t so bad after all.
and of course, zumba:
this isn’t news exactly, but I’ve loved zumba ever since my first “single single, double”.
this weekend was especially zumba filled. While home for the weekend I visited my beloved Club Fit, and my absolutely favorite zumba instructor. It was so lonely without my best friends whom I zumba-ed with a club fit all winter break, but the class was as incredible as I remember.
Sunday my friend Sarah and I participated in a two-hour zumba-thon with the queen of zumba Tanya Beardsley! It was exhausting, pain-inducing and awesome all at once

and now it’s almost thursday, which means I get to fly again, and show off my awesome layout
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