I am definitely enjoying a sorta lazy Monday after an action packed weekend with lots of celebrating. It was my cousin’s wedding weekend and Sunday was essentially my birthday, part two 🙂
friday night was spent shivering by a lake for the rehearsal dinner barbeque. Usually I am more than happy to wear a cute dress for any occasion, but it was shockingly cold for June.
Sometimes I’m worried that what is fashionable and normal in New York City is a bit too out there for suburbia. Before leaving the house I asked my mama, who dresses less eccentric than I do “pink skinny jeans, too obnoxious, or just obnoxious enough….” my mama approved of the pink skinny jeans. My boyfriend however made fun of me when I purchased them last week. Pshh what does he know about fashion, now I wanna go buy more obnoxious colored jeans.
the bbq was delicious– instead of the typical hot dogs and hamburgers they had mini sliders with pork, lobster or veggie burgers. I only eat chicken and turkey, so generally bbq’s post a problem for me, but I was thrilled to have delicious veggie burger sliders to fill up on. and so a weekend of amazing food and excessive amounts of eating began
saturday morning I returned to yoga after a week long hiatus. Even at 8:30 in the morning it felt GOOD to be back on the mat. Post 22 day yoga challenge I ended up doing yoga for about 27 days in actuality. This past week though ended up being crazier than I anticipated, so my practice has been put on the back burner. It is definitely more difficult to keep up with going to class daily here in the suburbs– it takes about 20 minutes to get to the studio (in the city it takes 2 minutes) and there are only 3 classes a day (in the city I have 10 to choose from each day), but really, excuses are silly. I am hoping once I start my work schedule and an actual summer routine that involves waking up at the same time every day, yoga will be fit into that schedule permanently for the remainder of the summer.
post yoga was zumba class with my favorite teacher here. It is slightly ridiculous, but I treat Zumba like a treat– after a job well done in yoga or boot camp I look forward to Zumba as the dessert. Maybe I’m crazy (or just love dancing around like an idiot).
saturday night was my cousin’s wedding. I love an excuse to dress up all pretty and find a photographer (the designated wedding photographer, of course!) to take pictures with my boy.
the outdoor wedding was absolutely beautiful, especially because the venue and the arrangements were absolutely stunning. The place where the wedding ceremony took place was filled with lush greenery and smelled like sweet nature sharing the happiness of humans. All these surroundings paved a perfect location for a dreamy wedding moment. Further on, these dreamy moments of life could be better carried by professional photographers like Essex Wedding Photographer. They might be the best team with the highest guaranteed return on their work. With advanced planning, these dreamy moments can be cherished forever. Coming to the arrangements, trust me when I say this, everything from the food to the photography session was wholesome. The catering service provider seemed to have prepared some mouth-watering food and the photographer, who I think was someone like Kelly Dillon (she is known to be an expert in wedding photography Cape Cod), was very cordial and cooperative. We happened to get the best photographs as lifetime memories to cherish. All in all, it was a great night dancing with my family and the boy. (But does that also count as a workout this weekend?)
Anyway, the best part was about all this was that Sunday was my birthday 2.0. As you may recall I turned 22 in may. Part of my birthday gift from the boyfriend was tickets to see In the Heights on tour in New Haven
In the Heights is one of my absolute favorite shows. My family first saw it off-broadway in 2007 and new it was gonna be HUGE. It ended up transferring to Broadway in 2008 (my family saw it on Broadway for the first time the night before I turned 18) and went on to win numerous Tony Awards including Best Musical.
I’m not sure exactly what it is about this musical, but after seeing it the night before my 18th birthday I fell in love with the show. It hit close to home that summer, I was traveling Europe for 4 weeks, incredibly homesick and found great comfort listening to this musical that is all about taking pride in your roots and where you are from.
My freshman year of college I ended up seeing the show again…. and again and again and again. As a college student I felt myself connecting even more to the story– one of the main characters discusses her struggles at college and the feeling that she is letting her parents down if she doesn’t succeed. A feeling I felt quite often my freshman year at NYU. Whenever I needed a reminder of why I was majoring in theater and why it was important to continue to work my butt off at college, I needed to see this show. Sadly it closed after a great run in January of my junior year of college. I saw the show 16 times in all on Broadway. It was sad to see one of my favorite shows close on Broadway.
So for my birthday my boyfriend got us tickets to go see the show on tour in Connecticut. For me it was important that he see this show, a show that was such a huge part of my life before I started dating him. I shared my other favorite show American Idiot with him last December, but knew he had to see In the Heights as well. It is like sharing your favorite band with someone you love– it exposes a little part of you that is hard to explain in words.
Our adventure in New Haven began with pizza. Rumor has it New Haven’s pizza is better than New York.
while the pizza was pretty amaaaazing… I’m still a bit of a New York snob.
but seriously, it was goooood pizza.
if you ever find yourself in New Haven you must go to Frank Pepe’s for some awesome pizza.
after stuffing my face with pizza, it was show time!

it was such a delight to not only see In the Heights performed on stage for the first time in 1 1/2 years but to also show the experience with the boy. It is easy to remember why my family loved this show when we first saw it in 2007 and when the CD has yet to leave my car in 4 years.
On our way home from New Haven I requested a special pit stop.
back in the day when I worked at sleep away camp there was this legendary smoothie place at the bottom of the hill. During periods off I would walk down the hill for a delicious treat. Everyone at the camp was obsessed with these smoothies.
I haven’t worked at that camp since summer 2007, but my best friend and I have made road trips to the legendary smoothie place since, especially when looking for things to do in Scottsdale. Yes, we literally drove an hour away just for these smoothies.

Knowing we were pretty close to the legendary smoothie place, I begged for us to make a pit stop on the way home. Who doesn’t love a refreshing smoothie?
lemme tell you, those strawberry sunrise smoothies taste just as good as I remember them. TOTALLY worth the extra driving.
after a long weekend of celebrating the wedding and my birthday, the boy and I enjoyed a nice relaxing evening watching Up for the first time. I think we both might have a new favorite movie it was that good.
phewww, one long tiring weekend, no?
hope you all had a great weekend as well
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