1. Run a Half marathon
Right now I’m taking baby steps to the half marathon. At the end of this summer I’ll be running my second 5k. While to some 3.1 miles is nothing, for me it is a huge deal– in high school I would cry my way through the mile run. Eventually my dream is to go for 13.1 miles.
2. Participate in a Disney race of sort
Disney + exercise = Kayla’s favorite things. Running in a tutu? yes please. After reading an excessive amount of Princess Half Marathon recaps in the winter I became obsessed with the idea of participating in a Disney Race.
3. Participate in an “extreme race” like warrior dash, tough mudder or spartan race
the concept of them scares the bejesus outta me, but I like a challenge
4. Get my Group fitness certification
I started with getting my zumba license– a quick and easy 1 day workshop, but next I want the certification to teach all kinds of classes. In the fall I will be going to California to participate in a group fitness training institute that will not only prepare me to take the AFAA exam, but will also teach me how to me a dynamic teacher. I am so freaken excited to start this journey and cannot wait to see where it takes me
5. Fly out of lines
I’ve been working my way to meet all the requirements to fly out of lines. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to fly for over 3 months now, but I am hoping I will come back better than ever. I can do the required push ups and V-ups, all I need to work on is my take-off and my pull-ups.
6. Work at a gym of some sort
After I become certified, I would love to work at Crunch or Equinox.
7. Survive a hot yoga class
I have yet to work up the balls to attend a class…… some day…
8. Yoga teacher training
Even if I never teach a yoga class in my life, I really want to participate in yoga teacher training. I want to have an experience where I fully dive into yoga. I know that whatever life path I take, what I learn there will benefit me
9. Receive my masters in Exercise Science.
I’m not positive if I want to go back to school and get my master’s, but a part of me knows I’m a total dork and love school too much to quit after finishing college. If I do get my master’s it will be most likely related to exercise science– connecting exercise and the psychological benefits and exploring alternative ways to treat psychological disorders with exercise and yoga. Dream big?
You have a lot of great things on your list, the one that I would love to try is the “flying”, never done that and always thought it looks so cool 🙂 Here is my bucket list http://aveteranrunnah.com/2011/12/04/my-running-bucket-list/
I highly recommend it! I am obsessed with flying trapeze
I love your bucket list! I ran Disney marathon as my 2nd marathon and loved it! So why not combine your goal of a half marathon and running a Disney race? I’ve heard great things about Princess half marathon, too! I won’t even pretend to know what #5 means…And as for the hot yoga, I wouldn’t say I love it but the first 10 mins are the worst, until your body starts to adjust to the heat and starts sweating. So hang in there and know it will get better! Glad I found your blog!
Thank you! I would love to run the Princess half or tinkerbell! I’m seriously considering signing up.
flying out of lines means without safety lines. All beginner flyers are in safety lines that are controlled by an instructor on the ground. It takes a lot of work and proving that you are a safe and strong flyer to get out of lines.