It is finally time to settle down.
After feeling like a gypsy living out of my suitcase for the past week, today was the day I finally got to unpack. Usually I loathe unpacking, but today I was giddy to have all my clothing nice and organized.
This weekend the bestie and I roadtripped to San Diego. It was very cool to explore San Diego for the first time.
Highlights included:
-the San Diego Zoo
– seeing the amazing Amanda Palmer in concert with Neil Gaiman as an opening act
– sweating it out in the hotel gym
(…. I took advantage of the empty fitness studio and had a fake solo zumba class. Hey, it beats running on the treadmill)
– enjoying a delicious smoothie – in -a bowl with yummy fruits and granolas from a nearby cafe (I definitely have to replicate this breakfast)
– and of course goofing off with my best friend
I have fallen into my usual trap of maintaining a strict exercise regiment, but totally slacking when it comes to eating healthy. Since arriving in California almost every meal I’ve consumed has been courtesy of some delicious restaurant. Yes, I’ve been eating lots of killer salads, but I also crave homemade foods that I know exactly what ingredients were used.
Today was the day to finally head out to one of the lovely Whole Foods of California and buy some fresh food to eat. Back to my usual eats like overnight oats (which I am so excited to have a batch of in the morning), chicken salad, homemade quesadillas and fresh produce.
Unfortunately a wrench has been thrown into my California plans because the program I moved out here to participate in was cancelled due to low enrollment. It leaves me a bit freaked, for one this program was supposed to be a great start to pursuing my passion for fitness and becoming a group fitness instructor. I am also freaked because I am bad at doing nothing, I like to feel occupied and busy and like to have tasks I need to accomplish every day.
But this is also an opportunity. Today I took my first dance class since I graduated college. My first tap class since I was in high school. Today I started working on a certification I need for a job I might be doing when I get back to New York. Today I signed up for a trapeze class out here.
I am lucky that my parents are supportive of this opportunity for me to live in California and explore the west coast. Now it’s time to take full advantage of everything Los Angeles can offer me.
Day 23 How many hours do you sleep at night?
On a good night I aim for 8. Unfortunately there are periods of my life where this is not possible (aka this summer when 6 hours was the golden number). Thank you, theater school for teaching me how to fight through exhaustion— I don’t recommend it to anyone.
Day 24 Have you ever fallen for a fitness “gimmick”?
I can honestly say I have not, although I do remember this weird ab device that was supposed to remind you to suck in your belly and tighten your core by vibrating. My next door neighbor and I tried this “suck in your belly, tighten your core” method for a whole day. It ended up just giving me a belly ache and no six pack….
Day 25 What is something that you do well?
I have a lot of strength for my size, something that is both a curse and blessing for flying trapeze. I’ve been told I fly with the strength of a male… I take it as a compliment.
Day 26 What is one area of your fitness that you’d like to improve upon?
My flexibility. It has always been my weakness, since the days of dance. There are certain things that certain bodies were not meant to do– my body was meant to be strong, not flexible.
Enjoy LA – I had a blast living there. Good for you for signing up for so many classes. Did not write about gimmicks yet, but here are my posts that sort of tie in with the other two themes:
Things I need to work on: