There are very few exercise classes that will get my butt outta bed and to the fitness studio by 7:15AM.
That class is intenSati. Ever since my first experience I’ve been hooked. Before I even moved to California I researched nearby classes, excited at the prospect of getting to practice regularly here. At first I was hesitant about the early early class time and trying out a fitness studio rather than my beloved Crunch Gym… but now I am hooked.
And as an added bonus my love of intenSati has led me to a new love, Swerve Studio.
While I love my gym, Swerve is quickly becoming my new fitness home. The studio has thoroughly impressed me with their classes, instructors and vibrant community. For a gal like me who is particularly fond of dance-y fitness classes, this place is heaven. On top of that this place is incredibly welcoming and friendly, something I haven’t felt much being the new girl in town. While it might not be for everyone, this studio offers some great and unique classes and I highly recommend checking it out.
One of my favorite things about working out early in the morning is that it leaves me the rest of the day to do whatever else I need to do. Obviously last year that was going to my college classes all day, and during the summer it was going to work… but right now it’s great to have the rest of the day to run errands and of course course NASM
An early morning trip to Target to pick up some costume pieces for the awesome halloween costumes my friend David and I will be wearing at Disneyland tomorrow….
and time to make a delicious breakfast.
I have a few confessions to make: 1) I’m guilty of buying lots of food that I never end up consuming before it goes bad 2) I am terribleee at eating my veggies.
The solution: green monster over night oats.
I’m not a fan of drinking a smoothie for breakfast– too much liquid with my morning caffeine, but I’ve always been intrigued by the spinach in a smoothie phenomenon. Really, you don’t taste it when you blend it up?
This delicious recipe confirmed that no, you don’t taste the spinach, you just taste awesomeness.
recipe courtesy of oh she glows
- 1 handful of baby spinach
- 1 large ripe banana
- 1 1/2 tablespoons of chia seeds
- 1 cup almond milk (vanilla in my case)
- 1/3 cup of oats
- and I added a spoonful of honey
>>Blend all the ingredients minus the oats. You will freak out and wonder if you will be able to taste the spinach, I assure you, it will all taste yummy in the end 🙂
>> mix the smoothie + oats in a bowl, stick in the freezer over night (or in my case about an hour…)
Top with whatever sounds good and enjoy.
My toppings of choice were a spoonful almond butter (or 3) & a handful of granola.
perfect yummy breakfast post workout AND got me to eat some veggies! My mama will be so proud.
good to the last drop.
Ah now it’s time to quit pracrastinating and head to the library for more studying. I swear, the first 2 chapters were easy peasy and then suddenly WHAM lots of science-y things to learn!
any suggestions for sneaky ways to eat my veggies?
what fitness class is worth waking up super early for?
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