Guys, so much is happening.
This blog is not the place for me to go all political but I will say this. President Obama being re-elected means I that as a female that my rights will continue to be protected. He views me as an equal.
I am happy for all my gay friends that we are one step closer to having marriage equality everywhere in America. Those 4 states have spoken.
While I don’t believe any president is perfect nor can he completely transform a country in 4 years, I believe that we put our trust in a man who loves this country and everyone who lives in it.
Other, non political, exciting things
I am addicted to soul cycle
I’ve always been kind of “meh” about spinning. As a dancer I don’t like feeling strapped to the bike with limited motion– I wanna be the spaz that I am.
note: the fancy shoes and gel pad bike seats really do make spinning “easier”. Or at least more comfortable
What I love about Soul Cycle (besides their gorgeous clean facility) is that it mixes the fitness with the spiritual. Similar to yoga and intenSati it is more than just a sweaty sweaty workout.
This morning the instructor asked us “What would you do if you had no fear”. I felt that question reverberate in my gut. How often do we chicken out because we are afraid? How often do we sell ourselves short because of fear? More perfect words could have not been uttered as I prepare to return back east, start my new fitness career, and hopefully continue to pursue my love of acting.
Besides soul searching spinning also kicks my ass. I walk into the room feeling like I am the fittest chick out there, and leave their a panting puddle of sweat…. I mean I’m not complaining 🙂
I succesfully cooked raw chicken
When I told my boyfriend this he was literally shocked. Anytime we cook I make him deal with all things raw meat because 1.) it grosses me out and 2.) I’m convinced I’m gonna give myself food poisoning.
But behold, I swallowed those fears and made an edible dish of chicken with crushed peanuts.
I still need to tweak the recipe before I post it because it was too dry for my taste, but dipped in balsamic dressing (cuz thats the only dressing in the fridge) it wasn’t half bad!
I memorized the infamous overhead model
Anyone who has studied for NASM knows what a pain in the butt that chart is. But using ridiculous mnemonic devices I now know the entire chart. Progress my friends, progress
and I was accepted to be an ambassador for Greatist.
I am truly honored to become an ambassador for one of my favorite websites, Greatist. I think they are an amazing fitness and healthy living resource. Their healthy philosophy lines of perfectly with mine– it’s all about the small changes you make.
I am so excited for this opportunity.
what exciting things are going on for you?
what would you do if you had no fear?
I’ve always wanted to try a soul cycle class, but I don’t know of any in the area! Booooo! Spin shoes and the gel seat def help me stay on the bike and save me from Tushie pain!
there’s a soul cycle in scarsdale! I would totally make the trek with you. or this is more incentive for you to come visit me in the city cuz there’s one close to my apartment.