hey hey everyone. Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
I still a bit bummed that my AFAA Group Fitness Certification workshop was cancelled due to the snow, but I attempted to make the most of my free Saturday.
Hate to say it but winter is my least favorite season… although the snow did look purrrrty on Saturday morning
so. much. snow.
Saturday afternoon I went to a yoga class at my favorite studio Yoga Vida with one of my favorite instructors Jessie. The class featured live music from an acoustic guitarist. I’ve never taken class with live music so it was a pretty sweet bonus. The class was absolutely PACKED… I guess everyone was feeling a bit stir crazy thanks to the storm and craved some yoga.
After yoga, I decided to take advantage of the storm and head to Time Square to score a cheap ticket to “Nice Work If You Can Get It”
I’ve been waiting to see the show since last year so it was awesome to finally see it…… and for relatively cheap. Win win! I loved that it was an old fashioned musicals with good music and an immensely talented cast.
Today I attended AFAA’s G.E.A.R. Indoor Cycling Workshop.
It’s hilarious that a year ago I hated spin. Like, absolutely detested. Recently, though, I’ve been on a total spin kick and can’t get enough of it. Goes to show you that first impressions are everything because I loathed every second of that first class!
I really enjoyed the workshop. It’s rare that I get to spend time with other fitness instructors who share my passion for group fitness so I love hearing about where they work and learning as much as I can from people who have been in the business awhile.
AFAA’s course is NOT a certification, so there’s not test at the end, but it is an extremely informative workshop that covers the basics of indoor cycling safety and procedures. I will say that if you are someone who frequently spins at various studios there won’t be a whole lot of new information but it’s still a useful course to attend.
Since I’ve been on a total spin kick I really want to teach my own class, now it’s time to get practicing!
Do you enjoy spin classes?
Why or why not?
Anyone out there teach spin and have any tips for a newbie 🙂 ?
I took a spin class once, many, many years ago. I’ve been thinking of trying it again because that one time I hated it, but I also hated a lot of things that I don’t anymore. If you have any recommendations for cheap classes in the city, please send them my way!! 🙂
at flywheels the first class is free… unfortunately after that it gets expensive. Revolve has a great deal of $100 for an unlimited month… but besides that your best bet for cheap classes is at a gym
I started teaching spin class at lafitness last year. I was sooo nervous at my first class (and for the classes in the weeks after!), but now I love it! For me, preparation for class has been the key. I block my classes pretty carefully before I teach, so I know exactly what my RPMs are for each song, how much the resistance is changing, whether we are standing or seated, how the song fits into the general class profile, and so forth. I’ve been teaching two classes a week for about 7 months, and I am finally getting to the point where I feel comfortable with class prep. Part of that has been trial and error with finding music that works, and part of that has just been me getting comfortable with teaching. It sounds like you have a strong background for teaching, so I’m sure you’ll be great!
Really enjoy your blog!
thanks for the tips! I definitely got lots of work and preparing to do before I teach my first class
I was way overprepared the first time I taught – I sounded so stiff! My second time was a lot better when I just started listening for the cues within the songs rather than write them down and stick to them perfectly beforehand. I’m trying for a mix of prepared and relaxed now!
I have been teaching spin classes at the gym for about 6 months now. Prior to that I was a student for about 5 years. I love teaching! I think once you start teaching the classes is when the learning really begins. I got certified through Schwinn cycling (it was an 8 hour long course) and that helped me get the basics down. It is so fun to add your own style to your class and my favorite thing is creating the playlists! You will love it if you ever become an instructor. Good luck and keep us posted!
I’m thinking about doing Schwinn next, their cycling bikes are my favorite since you can track RPMs