My own personal fitness hasn’t been my top priority recently since I am juggling multiple jobs and daily job interviews. Yes I still workout 6 days a week almost every week, but I end up taking whatever classes I can fit into my hectic schedule… and whatever classes don’t cost me anything.
Yes, I love working out, but right now I’m in a bit of a workout slump. I’m craving some kind of goal and something to work towards.
And this weekend I found that goal.
I am excited (and down right terrified!) to announce that this October I will be running my first half marathon! I’ve been thinking about running a half for a little while now. Thinking about the NYC Half Marathon this weekend gave me the extra push to quit making up excuses and just sign up already. I think it’s the perfect first half marathon for me because 1.) my amazing friend Sarah will be participating as well (girl just finished her first half at disney in February) 2.) The bulk of my training will occur in summer aka the weather I enjoy running in and 3.) It’s called the Diva half marathon and my embarrassing middle school AOL email had the word diva in it….
Even though I am a personal trainer and group fitness junkie I am no runner. The fact that I ran my first 5k this summer without stopping was a huge deal to me. It’s gonna take a lot of training to go from 3.1 to 13.1 but I’m up for the challenge.
Time to start researching training plans and super cute hot pink outfits for race day 🙂
any half marathoners out there? what training plan did you use?
anything I should know about half marathon training?
whoooooo! That’s so exciting. All the talk about the half this weekend got me raring to sign up for my first half too but sadly, my popping hip still doesn’t want to cooperate so I’ll have to live vicariously through you!
I ran that race in 2011! You’ll be great, training in the summer is the best.
definitely nervous about the training, but hopefully nice weather will be good motivation