So 1 month ago I decided to take a no dessert challenge. No vegan cheesecake, no vegan ice cream, no Girl Scout cookies, no chocolate, no Max Brenners, no nothin’. Tomorrow is my birthday (!!!!) which means at the stroke of midnight this month long challenge will be over.
Yes, I felt like a bit of a joy-kill whenever my friends would ask me to join them for dessert and I’d say “Can’t, no dessert til my birthday”, but this challenge felt necessary to me as a bit of a detox. I had gotten to the point where I was treating myself to dessert almost daily and coming up with reasons why I “deserved” that slice of vegan cheese cake. At the end of a long day where my first job started at 5:15am and my last job ended at 8pm I felt like I earned that treat for working at long day. Everyone once in a while yes, a treat is perfectly alright, but I was getting out of hand.
In the beginning of the challenge I was shocked by how much I craved that dessert at the end of my day. Had I actually become addicted to the ritual ending my day with dessert? As the month wore on my cravings died down and I honestly haven’t thought much about it in the past week besides when someone would ask if I wanted to go out for dessert. I am proud to say that the box of samoas my mother got me still remain up-opened in the pantry
…. but they won’t remained sealed for much longer since it’s my birthday in only a few hours. I know those cookies and that first bite of vegan peanut butter cheesecake will taste even better now.
Over the past few months my workout schedule has been all over the place. Instead of having a set plan of how many days I would strength train, do cardio, do yoga, etc, my schedule has been all over the place that I had to take whatever workout I could get, even if that meant I was mainly going to spin and barre classes.
Now that I have some more free time in my schedule (and some birthday money) I’m back to a more well rounded fitness plan which mixes heavy strength training, barre, spin, running, yoga and cardio dance. Going into these summer months I’m aiming for 2 days of heavy strength training, 1-2 days of running, 1-2 days of spin, 2-3 days of barre (I like pairing up barre with a cardio class), 1 yoga class a week, 1 trapeze class a week and a cardio dance class sprinkled in here and there for funsies.
Here’s what this week’s workouts look like
Monday: went to Exceed (Strength)
Tuesday: barre + spin class
Wednesday: 305 aka super sweaty cardio dance class
Thursday: cardio class at Uplift (includes strength training) + trapeze
Friday: hopefully run + barre or rest
Saturday: Uplift bootcamp outside (not sure if this is going to be more cardio or strength based)
Sunday: TBD either run, spin, barre or rest.
My workout regime has been majorly lacking in the strength training department these days so I’m hoping to start going to Exceed, Refine Method or Uplift 2 x’s a week (hellooooo birthday money!) to bring more strength training into my life. I love each of those workouts in a different way so I’d love to mix it up and spread the love to all 3 studios.
It’s super important to have variety in your workout plan. Your body needs variety and cross training to get results and stay injury-free. Even if running is your main sport it’s still necessary to implement strength training and yoga classes. I haven’t exactly been practicing what I preach these days, but now’s the time to get back to it and bring back some variety to my workout plan!
Have you ever given up dessert for a long period of time?
Do you follow a specific workout plan?
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