I feel like I’ve been all over the place this week! It’s been a week full of train rides and eating at restaurants with friends and family. As great as it’s been I’m ready to stay put this week and have some homemade meals.
Wednesday I took a train out to Long Island for a huge dinner with my mom’s side of the family. It was pretty amazing to get 20 family members together for dinner “just because”. Usually the only time that many of us are together is because it’s a holiday or a funeral so it was a treat to get together for no special reason.
Thursday night I took the train to my parent’s house in Westchester so I could attend my old camp’s 40th reunion the next day. I woke up on Friday knowing I had a 4 mile run on my agenda before the reunion. After discussing my running options with my mom (neighborhood full of hills? high school track? trails? treadmill?) I decided to hit the nearby trails.
I am officially in love with the trails. I’ve grown to enjoy running the streets of New York because it’s never dull and there’s always something to keep my mind busy… but you have to be VERY aware of your surroundings. There’s a lot of weaving in between slow walkers, dodging cars, and almost stepping in dog poo when running around Manhattan. Running on the trail meant I could be a bit less aware of my surroundings but it also wasn’t as boring as running on a track or the treadmill.
I don’t have a fancy GPS watch so I rely on the Nike Running app to track my 4 miles. When Mrs. Nike Running informed me that I ran my first mile in less than 9 minutes I was SHOCKED and convinced my GPS malfunctioned. Guess I run a lot faster when I’m not dealing with the obstacles of street running! Instead of dreading the 4 miles of alone time I took advantage of it and used it as my thinking time. Surrounded by trees it was easy to get lost in my thoughts.
I am happy to say I did all three of my half marathon training runs this week! I’m starting to think this half marathon is actually attainable. Yes, my long run this week was only 4 miles, but it was the best I have ever felt running 4 miles and I will only continue to get stronger and more accustomed to distance running.
Visiting my old day camp for the big 40th anniversary celebration was a great reminder of how grateful I am for everything camp has given me. It’s crazy to think that I attended the same day camp for 8 years and then worked there for three summers while I was in college. It’s amazing the people I have met thanks to day camp– I met my best friend Jenna there when I was 5. To this day we are still best friends and ended up going to sleep away camp together. She just moved to Manhattan and I could not be happier to have her here. I met some of my closest friends while working at camp during college… and it’s how I became friendly with my now boyfriend of almost 2 years. This place will always feel like a second home to me.
My friends are awesome and perform ridiculous dances that I choreograph…
The rest of my time in Westchester was spent catching up with day camp friends. Perfect trip home if you ask me!
My work out plan for this week is a bit all over the place and I’m going to play it by ear depending on how my body is feeling. I definitely gotta get in 3 training runs (3.5, 3.5 and 5(!) miles) and am hoping to get in 3 days of solid strength training at exceed and uplift. The rest will be depending on how I feel and how my shoulder feels with 2 trapeze classes this week. After taking a break from the layout this Thursday I made major progress and want to get as much practice in as possible before my class performs in a trapeze show next week.
this week:
Sunday- 305 dance class or run (weather pending) + yoga
Monday – Exceed + yoga
Tuesday – run + 2 hours trapeze and maybe barre if my shoulder allows
Wednesday – Uplift Strength
Thursday – hopefully Run + trapeze
Friday – Uplift
Saturday – Run + barre or rest
last week:
Sunday: “ahhh my arms” circuit above- DONE
Monday- last Mark Fisher Fitness class- DONE
Tuesday- barre + spin / run- 3 mile run + barre done
Wednesday- Uplift strength class 3 mile run instead
Thursday- spin or run + 2 hours trapeze Uplift Strength class + 2 hours trapeze
Friday- Rest – 4 Mile run
Saturday- zumba + strength training – zumba done
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