Time flies when you’re stuck in the library studying chemistry…. er right? I’m am so so so happy to be done with midterms! It felt like they lasted forever since I had to take two midterms for both chemistry and biology. Now it’s time to “relax” until finals.
Some things did happen this week besides chemistry….
I made my BEST slow cooker meal yet.
The crummy iphone photo doesn’t do it justice! This chicken taco chili was fabulously flavorful. My biggest issue with the slow cooker so far has been that it mutes spices so the final dish isn’t in-your-face flavorful but I’m happy to say this dish was a winner. I enjoyed it all week over rice for a quick and easy study break meal.
Tuesday night I broke out the ole trapeze socks for a night of flying
Practicing my pointed toes 🙂
It felt SO good to be covered in chalk and “flying through the air with the greatest of ease”. Since the outdoor rig in Manhattan closed for the summer my trapeze school has been renting space from Circus Warehouse in Queens. It’s been too crazy to since school started to make my way out there, so it was a nice treat on a freezing cold night!
Since it was my second time ever flying at Circus Warehouse and I hadn’t flown in 2+ months my main goal of the class was to take it easy and get reacquainted with flying and this new-to-me-rig. Overall it was a great class and I got to throw a few layouts which weren’t nearly as wonky as I would’ve expected after a 2 month hiatus. My lats have been SORE ever since!
My workouts this week were less than stellar. I was sleepy, it was cold, I wanted to stay snuggled up in my cozy bed until the last possible minute, I had to study for chemistry…. oh the plethora of excuses. Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Here’s some tips for getting back on track with fitness.
purchase some new gear. I’m not talking a full out lululemon outfit and sneaks, but even something as small as a new headband that you can’t wait to try out. I finally bit the bullet and bought some running tights and cozy gloves which I’m itching to take for a test run on the West Side Highway.
Sign Up! Signing up for a class in advanced means you won’t want that money to go to waste.
Tell the instructor your coming. If I’m feeling iffy about showing up for a workout that I didn’t have to sign up in advanced for I always try to tell the instructor I’m coming in person or on social media. It gives me extra accountability since I feel guilty skipping out after telling the instructor.
Reel in a workout buddy. Grab a friend and agree to either go to the gym at the same time or take the same class. I would feel terrible ditching someone for a 6am workout after telling them I would be there!
Plan ahead. Set your clothes workout the day before, pack lunch ahead of time, do whatever it takes to make working out as easy as possible. If I’m taking a 6am class I always try to lay out my clothes the night before so I’m not stumbling around at 5:30am looking for my favorite yoga pants and clean socks.
Know what works for you. Morning workouts make you groggy? Opt for night time sweat sessions. Night time workouts keep you up late because you are wired? Go for morning or lunch time workouts. I’ve learned that working out at night doesn’t usually work for me since I come home tired and ready for pajamas when I still need to do some homework. Do what works best for you and find out when your “prime workout time” is.
I’m taking my own advice this week– I’m signing up in advanced, got some new outfits to test out and I’m going to avoid working out at night so I don’t sabotage my precious homework time.
Plan of attack for the week:
Monday- barre + run
Tuesday- Uplift Strength + trapeze
Wednesday- barre + run
Thursday- TBD.
Friday- uplift strength + yoga
Saturday- REST
Sunday- TBD either run or a bootcamp type class.
How do you get back on track?
Love these tips for getting back on track! I’ve been feeling in a bit of a workout rut and unmotivated to do it – while I have been doing it… But it’s good to remind myself that working out just makes me feel good! (And it’s a good reason to go shopping…)