— I am instagraming about studying.
ps follow me! I just learned how to use instagram.Yes, I’m 23 and didn’t know how to use instagram.
— I am drawing pretty pictures with colored pencils on my biology power points
all this science makes me want to be creative again…
— I am eating sushi. Lots and lots of sushi.
— I am trying to become a tea drinker
— I failed at becoming tea drinker… I still think tea tastes like gross hot water, so I am currently drinking an almond milk + caramel latte from Whole Foods. It’s delicious, 3 blocks closer and like a dollar cheaper than ‘bucks.
— I am working out a decent amount thanks to Classtivity. Working out is definitely my favorite form of procrastination.
and clearly I am writing this blog post. I think we can all agree social media is FAR more fun than biology and chemistry.
Aaaand back to studying, my friends.
Hi Kayla! i found your blog while searching for other bloggers that had trained for a half marathon. It looks like your second will be a week before my first, so we’ll be pretty in sync with training. Look forward to following your Team in Training progress while I do my solo training. Happy running!
that’s so cool! What half are you running?