Helloooo Monday. I am happy to say I’ve reached the point of my break where I’ve completely lost track of what day it is. Gotta love winter break.
This morning I went to CrossFit for my first official WOD! A WOD is the “workout of the day”. From what I gather a typical day at CrossFit consists of a short warm up, 20 or so minutes of working on a particular skill, and then finishing off with the official WOD. Here’s what today’s workout consisted of:
-WARMUP: 1 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) double unders (jumping rope and getting the rope under twice in one jump. It’s as impossible as it sounds)
– SKILL: 20 minutes to work on 1 rep max front squat
– METCON: 20 Minutes / 4 rounds: 500 m row, 15 squat clean thrusters.
Most of these moves were pretty new-to-me, besides the rowers, so the workout was a humbling experience. Sure I’ve done quite a few squats in my life, but I’ve actually never worked up to my 1 rep maximum. Since I’m still very new to this style of working out I knew my goal was to take things at my own pace instead of doing too much too soon.
I totally struggled with my squat clean thrusters.
In actuality when you break it down its a deadlift –> squat –> high pull –> and then overhead press. I must say, those compound movements got my heart BEATING.
It got me thinking about how I can incorporate these kinds of movements in my own workout. Here’s my own gym friendly version inspired by today’s WOD:
I couldn’t find any videos of the compound movement but essentially it’s a deadlift, once you are standing up go into a deep squat, stand back up and do a bicep curl, and finish it off with an overhead press using moderately heavy dumbbells. Don’t have a rower handy? Do a 2 minute cardio burst– jumping rope, alternating sprints and jogging on the treadmill for 2 minutes.
I think this would be a fun little killer to tack on as the last little bit of a workout. Okay maybe only I would think it’s fun
After getting my butt kicked at CrossFit I was HUNGRY. The boy and I hit up one of our favorite restaurants: Friend of a Farmer
matzoh ball soup, my favorite food for a rainy day.
salad with mixed greens, grilled chicken, carrots, beets, pears and walnuts with an orange vinaigrette. Basically all my favorite things in one tasty salad.
After lunch I packed up my warm weather stuff for vacation and travelled with the boy back to Westchester (we grew up in the same town and he lives 5 minutes away from my parents house). This must mean it’s almost vacation time!!!!!!!
What workout moves intimidate you?
I’m still a bit freaked out when it comes to holding heavy weight higher than shoulder height partially because of my shoulder injury… and partially because I’m scared of dropping it…
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