— In one week and 3 days I will be reunited with my best friend in Los Angeles… where I hear it’s warm… and we will inevitably end up going to Disneyland :). Come in spring break, get here faster!
— In approximately 9 weeks (er 10 if you count spring break) I can kiss chemistry goodbyeeee. That ain’t so bad, right?
— I cannot wait until it’s 4:00pm Friday and I’m leading my chemistry midterm. I’m so looking forward to spending Friday night with the boy eating indian food as always.
— Last night I got dinner with my 2 of my closest friends. The three of us have had very different paths since graduating college in 2012– one went to grad school and is now finishing up her thesis while working a full time job she got from an internship, one has been working for an advertising agency for a little over a year now… and then there’s me. I spent the past year working 6 part time jobs at once (good times?) and decided to go back to school… and then recently decided to ditch my plans of becoming a physical therapist.
It was comforting to realize that they too freak out about the future and finding their “dream job”. Yes, we are young and didn’t graduate college all too long ago, yet there’s still this impending fear that we need to have our shizz figured out ASAP so we can establish our careers, get married in our early 30’s and have babies before 35 and blah blah blah. Not that I’m someone who believes you have to get married by a certain age, I live in New York City after all.
There’s definitely something exciting about knowing we are young and there’s a lot of possibility out there andddd there’s also something undeniably terrifying because we don’t quite know what to do with our lives. If T.Swift wrote a song about being 23 it would probably talk about the daily freak outs regarding the future and google searching grad school options
— If it were up to me and I didn’t think about having a “balanced fitness week” I’d probably spent all my sweaty time doing burpees at the Fhitting Room, lifting heavy things with the ladies at Uplift and running (weather permitting…). I’ve heard my mother frequently describe my personality as “intense”… so it’s quite fitting that that’s how I like my workouts. But I know better than that. I know that going balls to the wall all the time is no bueno and a sure fire way to get injured. I also know my flexibility ain’t getting any better these days.
With this in mind I’m doing my best to mix up my fitness routine by incorporating those classes I’m not naturally as “good” at aka anything that requires flexibility or small controlled movements like yoga, pilates and barre.
It must be entertaing to watch me [struggle] in these classes that are definitely not my forte. Challenge me to a plank contest? No problem. Make me pulse it out on a megareformer machine? Oh boy, I may start crying.
I read an article one time on Well+Good that I can’t find for the life of me. It matched up the workout your’e craving with the workout you really should do in that moment– stressed and looking to hit the pavement for a long run? Maybe yoga is actually what you need. In that same sense, if you’re like me and crave INTENSITY ALL THE TIME maybe it’s time to chill out and check out the low-key, but equally as challenging, side of the fitness spectrum.
What are you current (random) thoughts?
WAHOO! You’ll be here in LA soon! I live in LA and I can tell you that, while it’s not WARM, it’s PERFECTION!!! It’s pleasant. It’s amazing 🙂 You are going to have so much fun! And eeeks! DISNEY 🙂 Ah love love!
And wtf – how many burpess can you do in a row? I cannot even do ONE! LOL!
I’m so so so excited for my trip to LA– definitely one of my favorite places to visit