Helloooo from JFK Airport!!!
I am about to burst with how excited I am to go to Los Angeles today. My best friend from college, David, moved out there after graduating college 2 years before me. While I miss him terribly and wish he still lived in New York, I’ve loved visiting him over the past few years whenever I get a chance. It’s been awhile now since I’ve seen him and since I’ve been to California so I am VERY pumped for this vacation. Not gonna lie, knowing I would have spring break again might have been a deciding factor when I was trying to figure out if I wanted to go back to school :).
I’m not sure what’s on our agenda this week– I know we will go to Disneyland/ California Adventure at some point and we have tickets to see Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. I’m also hoping to take a few fitness classes in the area if I get the chance, I have a few favorites from that brief time I lived in LA and have some more I want to check out. In my opinion the fitness scene in LA is very different from New York. LA is a lot more yoga, hiking and outdoorsy activities thanks to the weather whereas New Yorkers love their boutique fitness studios and super intense workouts. Top priority on my to-do list is hiking Runyon Cannon where I used to spend a lot of time.
Before heading to the airport I got in a quick run this morning. Whenever it’s possible I love getting in a workout before spending my day on a plane. It gets out some of those pre-flight jitters and I’m less antsy during the long flight. Of course the day I leave for vacation New York decides to be beautiful. I’m hopefully that spring will be here to stay by the time I get home next week but I know that’s not very likely. Bleh.
I ended up getting to the airport way earlier than I anticipated and now have lots of time to sit around chilling before the flight. My usual pre-flight ritual includes buying a huge water bottle after security, stocking up on guilty pleasure fitness magazines (this is the only time I buy them) and grabbing some food.
I’m rather impressed with my airport lunch options– dairy free yogurt and Purely Elizabeth granola? Nice. Hopefully this plus some nuts and bread on the plane will hold me over ’til dinnertime with David when I arrive.
I was joking with my parents last night about how whenever I go on long flights (4+ hours) I have to have a lot of different things to amuse myself. A “quick” flight to Florida I can probably spend the whole flight reading and listening to music, but amusing myself for 6+ hours is not as easy. I do my best reading on airplanes and tend to get a lot of work done because I feel extra creative in the air for some reason. I’m a terrible postbacc student and didn’t back any chemistry work with me– I’m on spring break after all! Fingers crossed there’s some good movie options waiting for me on the plane.
Time to go waste some more time before my flight! Talk to you on the West Coast 🙂
What’s your favorite place to visit?
My favorite thing about planes/airports is that I feel like they are not real- they are so placeless and it could be any time of day and i’d never know the difference. I then take this as free license to buy all the trashy mags I want, watch terrible movies I would never watch in real life (well actually…) and get something totally junky to eat like Cinnabon or S’Barro or just a giant Snickers. When in Rome, or nowhere’s land.
I’m ALLLL about the trashy magazines when traveling. I should totally start eating cinnabon at airports too……