The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Les Mills
On Monday I was invited to take a special Body Pump class at NYSC (New York Sports Club) in honor of their New York City launch! I heard a little while ago that Body Pump was coming to NYSC and I was well… pumped and thought it was a brilliant idea for NYSC. My first intro to Body Pump was at the gym I go to near my parent’s house in Westchester and I fell in love with the format of the class.
What is BodyPump? Body Pump is a barbell based class that sculpts, tones and strengthens your entire body using the Rep Effect. The Rep Effect leads participants through 70-100 reps per body part for a total of 800 reps in a single workout. This method of high repetition and low weights is an effective way to safely build strength without.
The Format: I love how in BodyPump classes each song focuses on a different body part: there’s a squat song, a chest song, biceps, triceps, lunges, abs, etc. All BP instructors are required to learn the same choreography to the same songs creating a consistent workout. I’m a fan of predictability and knowing you are guaranteed a solid, well planned out workout every. single. time. Every 3 months there’s a new release which means new songs and new moves– still following the same format of every song is a different body part.
BodyPump @ NYSC: New York Sports Clubs in Manhattan will now be offering BodyPump at 36 locations for about 130 classes a week– that’s a whole lot of Body Pump.
I had a great time Monday taking class at the 34th and Lex NYSC. It’s been a hot second since I took a BodyPump class so I decided to keep it low with my weight selection. I’ve mentioned it before but I kind of lurve strength training so BP is right up my alley. Now that the weather is finally (kind of) nice here, I’ve actually started running regularly and y’know training for that half marathon I’m running soon. I’m always looking for a low / no impact workout that compliments running and I think BP is a great option since there’s little to no jumping involved. The class I took was a 45 minute “express” class so we didn’t do biceps or triceps– but the time FLEW by. Definitely a great lunch-time workout option!
*GIVEAWAY* ended 4/16/14
Curious to check out Body Pump for yourself at NYSC? I got you covered! I’m giving away 1 month-long pass to NYSC so you can have your own BODYPUMP makeover!! To enter, comment below telling me your favorite strength training move or why you want to try out Body Pump and I will randomly pick a winner! 🙂
I am ALL about the squat, but I especially love it with an overhead press or in another compound movement.
Would love to try Body Pump!
Evann Clingan – NYC Fitness & Lifestyle Blog
I’ve just recently started incorporating strength into my spin/barre-addicted fitness life and am really loving it! Unfortunately I was born with bad cartilage in my knees so jumping is tough for me. This class sounds like the perfect way to keep exploring the strength classes out there, while also making sure that I don’t put unnecessary stress on my knees.
I’m always on the lookout for strength classes and they seem to be kinda sparse in our city filled with spin, HIIT and barre boutiques…which are awesome but I just wish someone would open a weight lifting boutique. So basically BodyPump is what my dreams are made of. Would love to try it out.
I’ve always wanted to try a BodyPump class! I just love group fitness classes – when I lift on my own, I tend to repeat the same moves week to week. It’s nice to go to a class and try new things (and have someone else tell you what to do, haha)! I think my favorite strength training move is the single leg deadlift!
Hi Kayla! I’m graduating in May and can’t wait to get back in shape! I am looking into gyms that have specialized classes like BodyPump and ready to try something new!
I would love to try BodyPump because 1) I have a really hard time motivating myself to exercise independently of a class, and 2) I think it would help me get stronger for pole, which I’ve discovered in the last 6 months or so and LOVE.
What a cool giveaway! I would love to try BodyPump.
Hands-down favorite strength training move is the push-up because I’ve seen so much progress with it! I used to barely be able to do one full push-up – now I can bang out a bunch and even do harder variations!
Awesome recap! I didn’t know they offered an express class! Good to know!
I’ve heard so many great things about Body Pump and I’d love to try it! I won’t do strength work (I know, I know…) unless an instructor is telling me what to do, so this sounds perfect!
I’m always in search of workouts that don’t injure me. Would love to try BP and see if it satisfies this gap!
Btw, I wonder if I hv even run into you at TSNY, I go there often (and finally pier 40 is open again!)
I’m so excited that pier 40 is open again, now the weather just has to start cooperating….