Last weekend Evann tagged me in the 7-Day Positivity Challenge on her blog. Simply, for one week you share three positive things of any sort that happened that day. Like Evann I decided to keep track throughout the week and compile them all here. I’m not going to tag anyone, however if you happen to see this feel free to play along. In actuality this was kind of the perfect week to think about positivity because it ended up being a beast of a week at work. Despite the crazy days it was a nice reminder that every day there were plenty of positive moments to think about
- slept through my morning workout alarm (oops) but had the most glorious night of sleep ever. Something about my teeny tiny childhood bed in westchester gives me the best nights sleep.
- got lunch with my grandma and then went over to her house to show her pictures from Israel. I will talk about my Israel trip to anyone that will listen.
- My first birch box arrived!
- Tried SurfSET out for the first time and didn’t fall flat on my face. I did wobble like cray cray though.
- Had the most lovely walk to work from Chelsea Piers
- saw the final off-broadway perfect of Heathers the Musical with my friend from high school and her boyfriend. Loved loved loved the show
- Got my butt kicked by Daury and Julia from the Fhitting Room. Even though the class was mainly body weight based, it was tougher than it sounds.
- Saw Rocky in Broadway which made me want to take a boxing class ASAP
- I was literally too excited about going to trapeze on Wednesday that I couldn’t fall asleep.
- Started off my day taking Strength at Uplift. Always the BEST way to start my day.
- Took my first trapeze class in over a month! Two of my flying friends happen to be there too so that was a pleasant surprise.
And I had a nice clean layout catch at the end of class.
- Walked back home through the West Village with my trapeze friend.
- Interviewed Josh Holland from The Movement for work. He’s got to be one of the coolest guys ever. Go take his class!
- Had lunch with one of my birthright friends, Persia, who’s here from LA. Had a great time reminiscing about our trip over Sweetgreen salads
- Saw Violet on broadway one last time before it closes this weekend. I absolutely love this show.
- Had a goofy morning in the office doing a “photoshoot” for an upcoming blog post. Have I mentioned I love my job lately?
- Found out my good friend and surrogate big sister Samantha (I was a bridesmaid in her wedding two years ago!) had a beautiful baby girl! I am so happy for her and her husband Josh and can’t wait to meet the little nugget and spoil her.
- Enjoyed a relaxing Friday after a crazy work week. Felt super nice to take a deep breath and veg out on the couch with Say Yes to the Dress
- Loved running + biking with my parents at Summer Streets.
- Relaxed for a bit on my roof deck with a book and some sunshine
- Had a mini birthright reunion with all the people in the New York area. Was so great to see everyone again!
Hope you all had a lovely week / weekend as well 🙂
I love this challenge and may have to do it myself! I think we often forget that happiness and positivity are choices. We allow negativity to penetrate our lives for some reason.