Hi all, hope you’re having a lovely week so far! It’s the day before vacation for me which means I obviously haven’t packed or prepared even remotely. Some thing never change…
I’m still replaying Saturday’s race over and over again in my head. I can’t believe it actually happened and I really ran my third half marathon! While it wasn’t my fastest (in fact it was my slowest…) I’m still reeling in happiness that I did it despite all the aches and pains at the beginning of the race.
Nike announced their fall half marathon in San Francisco today and it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. My parents were asking me this weekend if I was planning on doing the race. I seriously loved the whole experience of a Nike race last spring in DC and have been dying to visit SF. Fingers crossed the random draw gods are on my side 🙂
My legs are almost back to normal now. Stairs are still intimidating. It’s always hilarious that walking down stairs is the trickiest part after a half marathon for me. My deepest apologies to anyone that has been stuck behind me in the past few days while I struggle to walk down a flight of stairs.
I’m a creature of habit and like to follow the same recovery plan after a half marathon, or at least as closely as possible. I find it works well for me so why mess up a good thing.
Immediately after coming home from the race I foam roll/ cry trying to focus on my quads and calves which always feel the worst post race. Since I knew I was going on vacation this week I also waited to get my nails did until after the race as a little treat. My toenails have been fortunate thus far and they’ve all remained intact during my 3 half marathons. I have a feeling the New York City Marathon won’t be as kind to my feet.
I couldn’t resist the new purple shellac. Obsessed.
As far as workouts go I always take take the day after off entirely. My first workout back is a spin class with the hopes of breaking up the lactic acid and getting my legs moving again. I know some people like to do a super short run after a race, but I couldn’t even imagine the thought of pounding the pavement so soon afterwards.
48 hours after I also treat myself to a massage. Pretty sure the reason I keep signing up for this ridiculous races is so I have an excuse to get an indulgent massage. My appointment last night at Equinox was lovely and just was I needed. If you ever need a sports massage, Sarah at 19th Street was muy bien.
Previously my next class back after spin has been Uplift Strength. Since I know all the instructors and the format of the class I feel comfortable modifying when necessary and do a low impact variation of all the cardio moves. I know this class will always be dominantly upper body minus the 2 lower body songs.
I didn’t end up booking at class at Uplift this time around because I was invited to a yoga event with Shoebuy, which ended up being perfect for my sore calves.
By tomorrow it will be 4 days post race and probably feeling like my normal self again. If I wasn’t going to Cancun I would feel comfortable returning to normal Kayla workouts.
I also asked some seasoned half marathoners their favorite ways to recovery after a race:
Erika– I swear by a hot as you can stand it Epsom salt bath as soon after the race as you can. Then, if I’m not racing again right away, I spend a week running slowly and whatever distance feels good, including the day after as a recovery run.
Sarah– After both full marathons I ran, I drank coke– full sugar coke. The buzz was unreal. I force myself to run/walk a few miles the next day to shake everything out.
Liz– Hot yoga, Natural Calm magnesium + a lower leg massage
Theodora– A long walk, hot yoga…and mimosas.
Jane– Yoga or sculpt fusion at Uplift Studios.
Marianna– Netflix marathon with a huge bottle of water by my side.
Time to go pack! Jeremy and I are heading to Cancun tomorrow morning and I couldn’t be more excited! He’s never been to a Club Med before so I can’t wait to introduce him to flying trapeze (we’ve been dating almost 4 years and he’s still never done trapeze!) and eat all the white chocolate bread. Trapeze + white chocolate bread = my idea of a perfect vacation.
Question: What’s your favorite way to recover after a big race?
SF— but the hills?! I’m in pain just thinking about it. That said, you’ll kill it! xx
Ugh, I know I know. But practice for the NYC Marathon, right?