It’s Monday which means it’s time for marathon training post #2! This week ended up being a total bust I’m sad to say. I knew it would be tricky to begin with seeing as I spent the weekend in Colorado for my cousin’s wedding. Keeping altitude in mind, I decided to do my 7 mile long run before leaving New York on Thursday.
The weather was gorgeous, breezy and no humidity… and yet the run still managed to suck. I think it was because I got a much later start than I anticipated thanks to the snooze button. By the time I finally got out there I was starting to get anxious about how much work I had to get done before leaving for the weekend and how pissed I would be if I didn’t end up having time to get my nails done (priorities, my friends.) I ended up only running around 5 miles and felt pretty defeated. It’s usually easy to blame my crappy run on something else, typically the weather, this one though was just not meant to be. Whether or not I can totally blame it on that “I should be working right now” guilt, who knows. Here’s to a week of better runs.
The rest of my workout plan ended up getting messed up as well– the yoga class I was supposed to take on Wednesday got unexpectedly cancelled because the instructor was locked out of the studio. Fingers crossed this week will go a lot smoother on the workout front, right?
I’ve gotten in the habit of tracking my training workouts in a small moleskin notebook/calendar. I’m fully aware that I could just keep track of this online… and even thanks to this blog, but I like having the space to use as a somewhat training diary.
Yes, I did feel like a boss during that run :). Keeping track of my workouts, miles in each shoe and fueling when the time comes will make it easier to figure out what works versus what totally didn’t work. In 5 weeks I won’t remember what pace group I ran with for Long Group Runs with Team and Training and I certainly won’t remember what speeds I used at Mile High Run Club.
Marathoners– how do you track your weekly workouts and what type of stuff do you take note of?
This Week’s Plan
MONDAY: Exceed (1 hour HIIT)
TUESDAY: 4-5 mile run OR cycling if it gets too hot
WEDNESDAY: Yoga + Trapeze
THURSDAY: High 45 at Mile High Run Club
FRIDAY: Strength at Uplift
SUNDAY: Rest, please
I am working on running my first 5K! One day I hope to run a marathon! You look like you have a good plan!
couch to 5k is how I got started running! What 5k are you doing?