Might as well run a half marathon?
Early tomorrow morning I’ll be on my way to San Francisco for the first time to run the Nike Women’s Half. I’m so excited and can’t stop talking about it. The day before vacation always tends to be insanity for me and today is no exception– I’m a last minute packer, I have to buy new running shoes (ha, seriously!), get a manicure, pick up some toiletries and uh finish up all my stuff for work before I can board that plane!
I’ve had this weird, unexplainable obsession with visiting San Francisco since I was doing blogger outreach for ClassPass’ launch there. It’s one of those places that people tell me I will absolutely love because of my passion for vegan food, healthy living and fitness.
The trip will be a quick blip Thursday-Monday with a half marathon crammed in there, but I’m hoping my parents and I can fit in as much as humanly possible during our short stay there.
On Thursday we’ll settle in, pick up my packet and just explore the area. Friday morning I’m hoping to take a CorePowerYoga class, visit the Spright HQ for lunch (they cook lunch at the office, how insane is that!?) and meet up with a group of bloggers for dinner who are also there for the race. Saturday I want to take cliche pictures near the Golden Gate Bridge and meet up with some friends. Sunday will be race day and Monday I’ll take a Core40 class before heading back to New York. Whew.
I’ll be popping in here when I can for updates about what I’ve been up to, the half marathon and where I got to explore. Until then be sure to check out my San Francisco adventures on instagram and Snapchat (kayla_ruth).
San Francisco knowledgeable people! Where should I carboload on Saturday? What amazing vegan-ish restaurants should this dairy-free gal check out while I’m there!?
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