Hiya guys! I always feel compelled to talk about the weather in the intro to my blog posts… I’m just really obsessed with weather and know it affects my mood. It’s insanely nice out today and I’m looking forward to soaking up the sunshine after I finish up with some work inside.
I thought it would be fun to do another Virtual Coffee Date and catch you up on what’s been going down behind the blog since my last catch-up. Grab a cup of coffee (or maybe even an iced latte ’cause it’s SO lovely out) and let’s get to it.
If we were having coffee today… I’d tell you about how EXCITED I am that it’s almost my 26th birthday (May 16th, mark your calendars!) I’ve been really indecisive about what I want to do to celebrate and I finally finalized dinner reservations for the weekend.
My actual birthday is Monday, and thanks to my new work situation I have the day off. I tend to do the same thing on my birthday every year– morning class at Uplift, afternoon trapeze class, dinner and a show at night with the boy. Not sure what show we’re seeing yet, and we might just wing it that day. Whatever it is, I know it will be a fun birthday. I think you’re supposed to get less excited about birthdays as you get older, but that has yet to be true for me.
If we were having coffee today… I’d tell you that being sick sucks. I’ve had a nasty cold for a week now and it’s just annoying. At first I thought it was allergies, even though I’ve never had allergies before, but then it progressed in the usual way colds do. Leave me alone, germs!
If we were having coffee today… I’d tell you that I was featured in Teen Vogue yesterday as one of the 13 Game Changing Fitness Instagrammers… and I’m still freaking out! Ironically I found out during intermission of a musical that is heavily focused on social media (Dear Evan Hansen at Second Stage). I opened instagram and saw I was tagged in something about the article right before the lights went down to start Act Two. Suffice to say I spent the second half of the musical silently freaking out about this.
I’m SO insanely honored to be featured with such an inspirational group of ladies. Fitness and health can be this weird thing to talk about sometimes– there’s a lot of photoshopping, body shaming and guilt out there sadly. I will continue to do my best to offer a realistic view on what being healthy can be.
If we were having coffee today… I’d tell you about how I’m a total KonMari convert after reading “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” I spoke about my desire to organize the crap out of my apartment in my May Goals post and it’s still a major work in progress, but I’m making some headway.
I’m really proud of this drawer. Stay tuned for a full post about my tidying experience.
If we were having coffee today… I would tell you a bit about my job hunt and my experience working with a Career Coach from NYU. I ended up taking a bunch of personality tests which were fun, but also a bit frustrating since one of them said I should be a nuclear engineer- UH WHAT NOW? I can’t think anything I would suck more at than being a nuclear engineer. These tests should obviously be taken with a grain of salt.
What I did learn, though, was what kinds of jobs and tasks I excel at. The tests confirmed my affinity for list making and desire to have a super goal oriented, well-defined, position. Curious about your own personality? I took a Myers Briggs test and a PRINT test.
If we were having coffee today… I would tell you about how I feel like I’ve been pretty productive on the days I’m not working, but don’t always feel like I have anything to show for it, if that makes sense. I’ve been running a lot of errands and doing things I’ve avoided for months… like figuring out how to renew my passport.
The most helpful thing for me has been bringing my computer to Starbucks and getting work down there if I have blog stuff I need to deal with or emails to write. Something about that coffee shop ambiance and caffeine boost gets me going.
If we were having coffee today… I’d tell you that my legs are the most sore they’ve been since the marathon. I went to an outdoor workout on Monday with Uplift and Theodora. Unbeknownst to me when I signed up, the class was a RUNNING focused class. Uh hi, I’m a retired runner, I don’t run.
Even though I’m not the biggest fan of running these days, I ended up really enjoying the workout and especially loved taking a class outside. I was also reminded of the fact that I’m not a terrible sprinter… even though I prefer long, slow runs.
And now my legs are TOAST after that workout two days ago. Like, I’m sitting here in compressions sleeves and considered walking home to Greenwich Village from Time Square yesterday to avoid the subway stairs.
If we were having coffee today… I would tell you about how SAD I am that this season of Rupaul’s Drag Race is coming to an end next week. Does anyone else watch? I’m #TeamBob all the way!! Although I also think Kim Chi is insanely talented.
If we were having coffee today… I would tell you about some of the BIG decisions I’ve made regarding the future and my next steps. I can’t blab about them here yet, but I can’t wait to share the exciting news with all of you soon!
Your turn… if we were having coffee today what would you tell me about?
I’m jealous that you had nice weather today! I went to NYC last week, and it was in the low 50s, cloudy, and rainy every day. I never saw the sun once, but I still had a great time. 🙂
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you about the three musicals I saw in New York: School of Rock, Bright Star, and Daddy Long Legs. Have you seen any of those? I loved them all and would highly recommend any of them!
Yeah the weather has been all over the place lately!
I LOVED School of Rock, such an insanely talented cast. Bright Star and Daddy Long Legs are on my “to-see” list, I’ve heard great things!
Just saw today that Daddy Long Legs is closing June 6! 🙁 At least that still gives you a few weeks to see it!