Dudes, how is it NOVEMBER already? I’m about to delve into midterms and feel like this semester is flying by. I can’t decide if that’s a bad thing or a good thing.
SO, goals for this month!
I’m guilty of not always practicing what I preach when it comes to wellness. This month I’m focusing on two habits I know I should be doing and tell others to do… but currently don’t do
November Goals: Things I Should Be Doing But I’m Not
#1: Foam Roll. Since I stopped doing solo work outs at the gym, I’ve gotten out of the habit of foam rolling on a daily basis. I’m fully aware of the fact that foam rolling is so good for you. It releases muscle tension which increases your range of motion while decreasing soreness and injury potential.
In November I want to get back to foam rolling on a daily basis. I’m not talking anything crazy, just a solid 5 minutes devoted to this cylinder of torture. Let’s say 5 days a week for specificity sake 🙂
Related: 5 Foam Rolling Mistakes You’re Definitely Making.
#2 Vitamins. While my fitness game is pretty strong, my nutrition game is hit miss. I do my best to eat my greens and omega-3’s, but sometimes my diet falls short. Damn you, NYC and your glorious takeout options.
I was recently introduced to Ritual vitamins thanks to a targeted facebook ad showing this article. Oh facebook, you know me so well. I’m a sucker for beautiful branding and small, female-founded, start-ups.
As you guys know, I’m pretty skeptical about anything and everything. I also won’t suddenly become a supplement pusher.
What impressed me, though, about Ritual and convinced me to purchase was their focus on transparency and skeptics like me. They give you all the deets about what’s in your vitamins (something surprisingly not true for all vitamin companies!), no questionable ingredients and focusing on the things you actually need as a fierce lady.
So I started taking daily vitamins earlier last week. No they haven’t changed my life, but I’m willing to give ’em a shot.
Sorry gummy vitamins, I still love you so.
YOUR TURN: What are your goals for November?
November/always goals: get on a better sleep schedule, drink more water, and foam roll more than once every several months.
Yes to all of the above! And I’m kind of with you on the foam rolling front…