Ugh, finals.
When I applied to grad school I “conveniently forgot” about finals. Oh Kayla, you’re SO freaking naive.
If you recall, I was a flipping hot mess during midterms. Like, woman on the verge of a nervous break down level hot mess. I cried every day and had some nasty ass stomach stuff going on. And this was for the whole two weeks leading up to exams. Yikes.
This time around I’m doing everything in my power to not hit that level of hot mess. Okay, fine, I’m still a bit of a hot mess, but I’m doing a lot better than I was before midterms… and I’m even busier now thanks to adding an internship into the mix.
My approach this time around is a bit smarter, though…
I’m sticking with my usual fitness routine.
This one is non-negotiable. Working out releases endorphins, endorphins make Kayla feel good and more importantly less anxious.
Yes, it’s taking time out of my day to go to the gym, and shower etc. afterwards, but that ~2 hours are WORTH IT for me. The benefits outweigh the time loss.
I went back to acupuncture
And yes, I’ve officially become one of those people that sings the praises of acupuncture. Despite my phobia of needles.
The truth is, I am an anxious person and I try to take a holistic approach to dealing with this anxiety. Yoga has been an amazing tool in keep me zen AF (yup, I used to be an even bigger hot mess…)
But it hasn’t been enough.
After a really positive first experience with acupuncture, I decided to book another appointment with Gabriel again (<--- if you're new to acupuncture and a bit hesitant he's SO great.) The first time I was on my back and got needles into the front side of my body, this time around I was laying on my belly which was a bit different. Again it wasn't terribly painful, a few points pinched whereas other points I barely noticed. I once again left feeling incredibly grounded and calm. The plan is to remain this way through my last final on Wednesday...
I’m using the 30/10 rule for studying.
As I get older, I get more easily distracted. In college I was a BEAST at power study sessions and could stay awake until 2AM in the library doing work, no problemo. At 26 years old I’ve already lost that stamina. Excellent. Also, instagram is SO distracting. But, I’m hoping to be prepared if ever I decide to take up extra certifications in the future (like the AZ900, for example-I’ve heard it’s tough but so worth it). And how will I do that? By studying better now!
I’ve started setting a 30 minute timer on my phone. During those 30 minutes I have to be hyper focused. No answering text messages, no aimlessly scrolling instagram or seeing how many likes my latest photo got.
When those 30 minutes are up, I set my timer for 10 minutes and can do whatever the f*ck I want during those 10 minutes. Yup, I get to scroll instagram in peace. And it feels awesome because I don’t have the I should be working guilt hanging over me.
I’m saying NO all over the place
It sucks that finals line up with all the pre-holiday parties my friends are throwing. I’ve had to pick and choose what I can and cannot do, which more often than not makes me feel like a jerk. Last weekend I was swamped with group projects so had to say no all over the place, this weekend I’m in study mode.
So sorry if you’re one of the people I had to be a jerk to in the last two weeks, let’s hang out when this is all over?
I have a few “treats” waiting for me after exams
Yup, I booked a massage for right after my last exam. I could not be MORE excited! I also bought tickets to Falsettos on Broadway for the next evening. Not exactly a happy show to go see, but it’s still a show I’ve been DYING to see. I’m a huge fan of the show and this cast has so many of my favorites.
Both a massage and Broadway show are things I’m looking forward to when this is all over.
Well writing this post up has been a lovely study break, ha! Back to statistics I go…
Your turn: How do (or did you!) cope with exam stress?
Exam time in Law School was horrible and lasted from Thanksgiving through this time of year. People would post on FB about how long they had been in the library, as if that was a badge of honor and you would sometimes see people just burst into tears. So… once Thanksgiving hit, I spent zero time in the library and would do everything I could to only be at school when I needed to. Stress is contagious and I had my own, no need to add to it. Anyone who posted about studying on FB quickly got x’ed out of my newsfeed, #sorrynotsorry.
I like the 30/10 rule. I do something like that when I am trying to really focus on getting blog plans done or training plans written. I hope finals go great for you and are over before you know it.
I completely never asked you what you were in school for! Must catch up.
I love your 30/10 rule. I’ve recently been honest with myself and my productivity. Yes, I get sh*t done but I’ve been learning that I can be more efficient with my time. That way I can go for a run or take a yoga class 🙂
Sending good vibes and prayers your way. You’ll crush these exams.
Masters in Social Media. No joke 🙂 But yes coffee / work out date soon would be LOVELY!
I’m so with you on the productivity front, it’s HARD!