Hi guys!!
I love writing these more personal, shoot the shit, screw SEO, kinds of blog posts and hope you enjoy them too. Today I’ve got a little bit of everything for ya, some exciting news, some updates, and some serious life pondering thrown in there.
Since our last coffee date, lots has gone down. Let’s catch up!
If we were having coffee today… we’d talk about my new yoga gig!
I’m super excited to announce that I will be teaching at Shaktibarre in Williamsburg starting this week! The first time I visited Shaktibarre was actually for a business meeting — they have this adorable cafe / working space in the front. I absolutely fell in love with the space and couldn’t stop thinking about how lovely the studio was.
After torturing myself over whether or not I should email them about teaching opportunities, I stopped being such a baby and cold emailed them. The worst that could happen is nothing.
Clearly it all worked out and I’m teaching there Friday mornings, 7:00AM and subbing here and there.
It’s been a long ass journey to get here, but I have a feeling I’m where I should be. Hope to see some of you in class soon!
If we were having coffee today… we’d talk about grad school. Blech 🙄
I’m only taking one class this semester along with my internship. It doesn’t really feel like I’m in school this semester. I conveniently forget… until I have to actually go to class and y’know do homework.
Ironically, during the course of time from when I started writing this post to when I started editing, I got an email from my professor about 5 mega assignments due next week. Thanks for the reminder that I’m actually in school.
I don’t know what I thought grad school would be, but it was definitely a more romanticized version of what my life is now. It’s like I forgot that school is all homework and lectures and oh so many power point presentations.
In staying inline with my focus word for 2017, which is literally focus, I keep reminding myself why I’m going through this in the first place. I want to help small businesses and solopreneurs harness the power of social media and find their voice in these noisy spaces.
There are moments, though, when I wonder if I even like social media in the first place. And then I remind myself that I’m kind of addicted to instagram…
If we were having coffee today… we’d talk about Holistic Happening.
It’s been a crazy, exciting few weeks. We did our first TV interview (my theater degree might finally be paying off!) and threw an event with Modell’s Sporting Goods yesterday.
There are moments when I have to take a step back and acknowledge that holy crap, I created this thing. And I’ll be honest, there are also moments of Holy crap, why isn’t anyone buying tickets to this event? Do people hate us? OMG they hate us don’t they! Why did we ever decide to do this!? HALP!
It’s scary. And I think people only see the glimmers of success we’re experiencing (more on that below) and not the oh shit moments of panic.
And now time for some shameless self promotion. Come to one of our upcoming events:
⚬ Tuesday, 2/28 we’re doing our signature yoga + dinner event. Downward Dog & Dine. Sign up here
⚬ Wednesday, 3/8 we have a special Eating with the Seasons Yoga + Workshop + Salads event with sweetgreen. Sign up here.
⚬ Saturday, 3/11 we’re doing Downward Dog & Dine at Shaktibarre in Williamsburg. Sign up here.
If we were having coffee today… I’d talk about these weird feelings I’ve been having surrounding success and social media.
Ultimately I try to give a well rounded picture of my life, the good, the bad and the sometimes pretty ugly. However, of course I’m going to show more of the pretty things. The exciting things like TV interviews for Holistic Happening or fun blog partnerships.
What’s harder to capture, though, are the not-so-pretty side of things. Panicking about people signing up for a Holistic Happening event and a day of shitty blog page views. Things like that don’t make for cute instagram material.
Those moments certainly exist and are far more common than the glimmers of success you’re more likely to see me talk about on social media.
I have these moments of feeling like I’m this total fraud in my own life. Pretending to be some version of successful for the sake of social media and this here blog.
Am I successful? I have no freaking clue.
One thing I’m realizing is that we’re all just faking it ’til we make it. And even if/when we make it, we’re probably still gonna keep on faking it.
Your turn… if we were having coffee today what would you tell me about?
I hope you sub at Shakitbarre as I’m traveling EVERY Friday in March. I can’t wait to take your class. If I can’t make March then I’ll be there come April.
Subbing here and there all month 🙂
girl i SO understand the love/hate relationship with social media. as painful as grad school can be though, i think once you start working on the real stuff everyday in terms of marketing for those small businesses and entrepreneurs you’re dreaming of working for, you’re going to realize it was all worth it 🙂
you’re seriously my grad school role model. Hoping it gets better soon, and we so need to catch up, I want to hear what you’re up to!