It’s officially MY FAVORITE MONTH! Okay, I might be a little biased because I was born in May, but come on, isn’t May the best month ever?
No offense, April, but between being sick and end of semester craziness, I’m ready for some new vibes up in here. Let’s dive on in to the favorites:
Favorite Things From April
Workouts I’m Loving
Skyting Yoga – Tribeca
I’ve been wanting to visit Skyting for some time now. I’ll be honest, the studio has always given off this cool girl vibe. And I’m not that girl. At all. So I’ve been a bit intimidated to be the un-cool gal in class.
I went with the above crew [Alexis, Aileen, Blake] and took Vinny’s class. We had a BLAST — both during the yoga class and our impromtu photoshoot after.
Shenanigans aside, the Tribeca studio is GORGEOUS and the 75 minute yoga class flew by. I was a bit worried about a 75 minute class dragging out — I personally usually take 60 minute classes and teach a quick and dirty 45 minute class for Holistic Happening. The extra 15 minutes gave us time to enjoy a long, juicy warm-up with breathing exercises. It was lovely.
I will be back fo’ sho’!
Corelab – Megaformer
I rarely get to take megaformer classes in NYC — so flipping expensive — so when I’m in Westchester visiting my parents + the boy I always try to hit up Corelab in Katonah. My god, why is the megaformer such a beast?!?!?
Without fail I always go into class thinking How bad can it be? And then I leave class a sweaty ball of sore.
Dear NYC, can we please make classes on this glorious torture device a bit more affordable? Pretty please?
Foods I’m Loving
Mulberry & Vine
GET THE TURKEY CHILI! Don’t ask questions, just do it. The Nomad location has become my new go-to for lunch when I’m at internship. It’s quick, never crowded, and so damn tasty. Oh and get the veggie mash. It’s dreamy.
Fashion I’m loving
Crop top season!
If wearing crop tops is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Also, I was gonna post one of the more “polished” photos of me, but this is far more entertaining.
I’ve totes posted this crop top from Onzie before, but it always deserves another shout-out. It’s sweat wicking and has a built-in bra.
Oh hello, beautiful. I was invited to attend the launch of Paragon’s new show department, Dept. 1908. I felt like a kid in a candy store ogling all the new sneaks. I decided these comfy shoes were the perfect mix of “athleisure” and functional.
What I Read
If you’re a creative entrepreneur, entrepreneur, creative or just a dreamer of big dreams, get this book!
It’s a collection of essays by various people doing cool shit in creative industries. It’s open, honest and raw about the reality of living that freelance dream. Much like Big Magic it talks about the creative process and ebbs and flows of being a creative, or in this case creative entrepreneur.
Also some old guy tried to spark up a conversation with me in Washington Square Park while I was reading by asking if I was an economics major because of the title. Sir, I was a theater major. And please don’t interrupt reading time!
What I Watched
On the theater front I saw:
✨ Cuisine & Confessions by the circus crew featured in Pippin, The Seven Fingers. I’ve seen a few shows from The Seven Fingers and always love how they blend circus, dance and storytelling. This show was only in NYC for one weekend and is heading to Ottawa this summer.
✨Cirque du Soleil’s Paramour on broadway, which closed this month. I joked that April became a very circus themed month. While it wasn’t the most original story, and the music was pretty meh, I of course loved the spectacle and circus aspects of the show.
Knowing Cirque du Soleil, this production will most likely tour or come back to NYC at a different theater in the near future.
✨ And my favorite of the batch Joan of Arc: Into the Fire. This show is from the creative team behind Here Lies Love, one of the most incredible and inventive shows I’ve ever seen. I was also excited because the lead actress is a fellow alum from my theater program. The production was a rock musical take on Joan of Arc with a hint of modern day politics thrown in there (when you walk into the theater the curtain reads Never the less she persisted). I loved this show, from the incredible talent, inventive staging and rocked out score.
The show closed it’s limited run at the Public over the weekend. I’m not sure it’s the right show for Broadway and is definitely more of a downtown vibe, but I’m sure it’s not the last we’ll be seeing of Joan of Arc: Into the Fire. Keep your eyes peeled for it’s comeback!
On the television front:
I binge watched all but one episode of Big Little Lies and WOAH was it good. Granted I knew the ending from the get get having read the book. Even so, the adaptation blew me away. If you haven’t watched DO IT!
Silicon Valley is back! The show can get a bit predictable, but having worked in the start-up world I love the satirical look at start-ups.
✨ The Skinny on NYC’s Spin Scene
✨ Self-Care For the Lazy (and Cheap!)
✨ The Millennial Introverts Guide to Networking (and making friends on the internet)
As a May baby, I agree that it’s the best month! Seems like April was full of fun events for you, even with the crazy sickness. And I definitely need to find a way to watch Little Big Lies. I loved the book!
Definitely the best month!
Big Little Lies is SUCH a good adaptation — find someone with an HBO Go password and binge watch it!