I used to be an avid blog reader. Every day I’d read my favorite blogger’s latest post. I religiously followed the mundane details of their life.
I’ve noticed a shift in the world of blogging from slice of life to glossy, editorial spreads of content.
Yesterday morning I sat down, ate breakfast and read a handful of blog posts on Bloglovin. Something I haven’t done in a few months. It’s cheesy to admit, but I’m SO missed it.
I missed catching up with my favorite bloggers and it made me miss “old school” blogging. Granted, I’m hardly an old school blogger. I do miss a time before SEO and glossiness took over this blogosphere.
So, I’m kicking it old school today with a What I Ate Wednesday post. Shockingly I don’t think I’ve ever done one before. The probs won’t become a weekly thang — you’d soon see how I eat the same thing for dinner almost every night. But lemme know if it’s something you enjoy.
The photos are janky and taken on my my iPhone in medicore lighting. The food is not stylized. Hey, it’s real life…
What I Ate Wednesday
Part 1: Okay, I forgot to take a photo of my white chocolate macadamia Luna Bar, eaten at 5:30AM before a 6AM Body Space Fitness class. Whoops! Just use your imagination 😉
Part 2: I’m trying to do this whole eat a real breakfast thang. After working out + showering + getting ready for the day, I scarfed down some vegan Kite Hill vanilla yogurt with Udi’s granola. Kite Hill is hands down the best vegan yogurt I’ve been able to find — but I’m still on the lookout for other vegan yogurt options with less sugar.
And then I grabbed a soy chai latte on my way to work.
Yesterday was a half day at work (aka internship) for me. Since I don’t get out until 1:00PM, I usually end up eating lunch while I’m at work. Mulberry + Vine’s turkey chili over veggie mash has become my go-to for lunch these days.
So ugly, but SO tasty.
After work I had a meeting at school for a group project. On my way home I grabbed an iced soy vanilla latte. Back at home I had my latte with some pretzels while starting the draft of this blog post. Yes, this wellness blogger eats pretzels on a daily basis.
I make “cheezy” chickpeas and kale over brown rice easily four times a week. Cooking is not my strongest suit. At all. So this is my one and only go-to dinner that I can make in less than 30 minutes and not f*ck it up.
My plan was to have some Girl Scout cookies when I finished my schoolwork for the night… but then I ended up working until 1:00AM and nixed that idea. Celebratory Girl Scout cookies will def happen tonight 🙂
Hit me with you thoughts on old school blogging — yay or nay? Would you like to see more content like this?
Oh girl I eat Rold Gold Honey Wheat pretzel rods EVERYDAY. In fact, I should probably cut back but CAN’T because baby seems to love them! 🙂 I love old school blogging too!
I feel like in the grand scheme of snacks, pretzels are not the worst thing out there.
I love these kinds of posts! Nice to get insight into the blogger behind the blog! Love that soup!! looks yummy!
It soooooo good. My favorite treat on a chilly day.
yes yes and yes to old school blogging. i love reading blogs that are realistic & something i can relate to. i have yet to find vegan yogurt i actually like.
I’m still on a quest to find a better options — Kitehill is a big upgrade though!
i LOVE WIAW posts!! I just did my first one today 🙂 and going through my bloglovin’ is literally how i decompress everyday, i’ll go on when i need to take a break at work! we have pretzels at the office too, so i eat those occasionally, as well…hey, they’re good!
I feel like normal people watch their soap operas, I read my blogs.