Feeling guilty about not being as productive when the weather gets warmer? Here’s why you should cut yourself some slack this summer
The second it gets warm out, I lose focus. And every summer I get hit with a major guilt bomb. I should be doing more.
But instead, I find myself taking long ass walks to Soho for no reason. Lounging poolside at my parent’s apartment. Reading in Washington Square Park every chance I get. Staying out too late with friends. And walking some more because I just freaking love walking when it’s nice out.
And then the guilt spiral starts:
OMG my blog traffic is going to suffer because I’m not blogging enough! And then I won’t secure additional partnerships and then all this hard work will have been for nothing!
Last summer the guilt suffocated me. It was like I couldn’t enjoy summer because I felt bad about being less productive at the same time.
This year, I’m cutting myself some slack. No more summer guilt.
The Magic of Summer.
I don’t know what it is about the warmer weather, but all of us tend to say “YES” more. I know I know some people also have to say “YES” to their ac maintenance by firms similar to One Hour Heating & Air, most people enjoy it outdoors in this season, I being one of them.
Yes to staying out more. Yes to ALL the ice cream. And a big HELL YES to procrastinating work just because it’s nice out.
During a yoga class I was observing last summer, the teacher did a lot more forward folds at the end than usual. I asked her about it and she explained that when it’s hot out, we tend to be VERY open.
We’re wearing less clothes.
Being more social.
Interacting with more people.
It was the first time I realized that summer has this natural, intoxicating, energy to it. In a yoga class you should totally counterbalance it. But off the mat there’s nothing wrong with embracing it.
Because it’s only one season.
In my head I think summer will last forever — sure, if I lived in LA but it’s def not true in NYC.
Come fall I’ll go back to being my super productive, super focused self. The seasons will change and I won’t mind spending so much time inside. And I won’t crave a daily scoop of ice cream.
I’m realizing that summer isn’t about productivity. It’s about all the other “things” that happen. That’s what makes summer so special and so great. That and the fact that I can wear Birkenstocks every day.
It’s the same line of thinking that helped me embrace winter. I now look at winter as a season of hibernation and getting stuff done.
I spent all winter working, working, working. So maybe I’m not as productive over the summer, but it’s okay. It will be cold again come fall.
Cut Yourself Some Slack.
Don’t beat yourself up if you favor summer fun over something far more productive. Y’know food, shopping, answering emails, working on your side hustle. Or maybe your fun is the way to make more money, for instance, casino games (similar to https://www.ibetnetwork.com/casino-bonuses/) that can get you extra bonuses and discounts.
Embrace the outward energy of summer. The impulse to live a little more outward compared to the cold months. The weird ability to stay up super late because it’s still light out at 9PM.
Cheers to continuing to say “YES” this summer. Even if it means blogging less. Engaging less on instagram. Being a whole lot less productive. And of course eating more ice cream.
Tell me: Do you notice an energy shift in summer too? Anyone else feel TOTALLY guilty about being less productive?
Definitely 100% cut yourself some slack!! And please do not feel an ounce of guilt because you deserve to take a rest, or just do whatever the F you’d like, whenever the F you’d like. As we get older, I realize that like, there is no summer break anymore (unless it’s from grad school!) because as adults you’re literally working all the damn time. So take what time you do have to enjoy the sun or warmth, or not and just hang inside, and do you. The blog will still be here, Instagram will still be there, and you’ll be in a better headspace!
Also come to LA again soon plz.
Another reason not to feel guilty–all those life experiences you are having will give you something to blog about! Thanks for sharing your insights on summer productivity, Kayla. I work an office job and have taken to daily (sometime twice daily) walks around the neighborhood. Not to mention weekends at the cabin where I do nothing but read on the deck, hike the trails, and beat my husband at Yahtzee! Sometimes I do feel a little guilty, but I quickly quash that! Enjoy your summer!
Very true! The things that happen when I’m not sitting at my desk are usually far more interesting 🙂 Those weekends sound SO lovely and restorative.
I seriously needed to hear this today! I’ve been getting so down on myself lately and I feel so so much better after reading this! And you’re totally right – I’m so hard on myself because I feel like I have these uper unproductive days. “I should be blogging” “I should be putting together an email list” “I should be cleaning” “I should be working out”… The human body needs rest and relaxing time to function properly! We deserve it!