On Sunday Jeremy and I celebrate 6 years together. Guys, that’s a longass time to be together and not hate each other. Trust me, I have little tolerance for most people.
I get a lot of questions about our relationship, mainly when is he moving in and are we getting married. I don’t have the answer to either of those questions. But what I am qualified to talk about is what it’s like to be in a [semi] long distance relationship for all these years.
Jeremy lives in Westchester, the town we both grew up in. And the town where my parents still live too. It’s a little over an hour away. Depending on traffic. I live here, in NYC. Hence the blog name.
I won’t pretend it’s the ideal situation, but we make it work. And in many ways I’m grateful that it’s been this way.
Why I’m Glad I’m In a [Semi] Long Distance Relationship
▶︎ Trust.
Have I talked about how Jeremy and I have met? Probably, but I’ve been blogging for a long long time and legit can’t remember.
Jeremy and I grew up in the same town and went to the same school district growing up. He’s two years younger than me so I knew of him but couldn’t tell you any specifics.
We bonded while working at the same day camp [in our hometown] the summer before senior year of college for me.
So we’ve always been doing this weird, semi-long distance thang. I don’t always know what he’s up to and who he’s hanging with. Early on it taught us to trust each other, not that there ever should be an issue. The only time I nag him is because he isn’t responding and I’m programmed like a worried Jewish mother…
▶︎ Independence + Doing my own thing.
Okay, I’ve always been independent. Maybe even too independent. But I like doing my own thing. If I wanna see a Broadway show and no one is here to see it with me, I will happily go alone. Actually, I kind of prefer that sometimes.
During the week, I’m not thinking about Jeremy’s plans and instead can focus on me and what I need to get done. Dinner plans with my girlfriends? Done. Hosting a Holistic Happening event? Yup, yup. Staying up ’til midnight writing? Why not.
I can be selfish with my time without being an asshole to my significant other. At this stage in my life and career this is ideal
▶︎It doesn’t interfere with my wellness journey
I’ve spoke about this before, but Jeremy isn’t as passionate about fitness and wellness as I am. I’ll admit, not seeing each other every day does make this a bit easier. During the week I cook for myself and sometimes wake up at an ungodly hour to work out.
▶︎ Sleeping like a starfish half the week.
I may be a tiny, tiny, human, but I like my space when I sleep. And I like my queen-sized bed to myself. Sometimes.
▶︎ Our time together is extra special.
In actuality, we get to see each other [almost] every weekend. Typically, he comes to visit me in the city unless there’s something fun going on in Westchester.
The first time Jeremy came to visit me in the city I put together this whole elaborate weekend itinerary. I treated it like I had a guest visiting from out of town. 6 years later, I’ve toned it down, but our weekends together are still extra special. During that time we are super focused on each other. We are not distracted by work emails or to-do lists. Although every so often we both have schoolwork that needs to be done.
I love our little weekend routine and that time we get to spend together, without distractions.
Tell Me: Have you ever been in a long distance or semi-long distance relationship?
My hubby and I did long distance while I was in Grad School before we got married. I was thankful for the extra time to study and do my own thing. I twas an adjustment time learning to live together and not be selfish withour time but we made it work of course! I think there is a time and a place where long distance is definitely helpful!
I’m definitely a little worried if/when the time comes to move in. I’ve totally become selfish about my space since living alone.