One of the reasons I’ve always loved reading blogs is because they are kind of noisy. Jeremy and I were recently talking about how he’s more of a private person. At first I was going to say I’m super private too… but then I remember I shared my own marathon training poop issues with the internet before. So maybe I’m not so private…
But like I said I’m also super noisy and love learning more about the intimate details of some else’s life. Sometimes it makes me feel less alone. Sometimes it inspires me in some way. And sometimes it’s fun to read about someone else.
So today I’m getting intimate (okay, not super intimate) and sharing some things you may not know about me.
15 Things You May Not Know About Me…
1. I’m left-handed. Very, very, very left-handed. Most lefties I meet do a few things right-handed. Me? I do EVERYTHING the left-handed way. I like to think my left-handedness has an advantage in a strange way. Supposedly we’re more creative people and think differently.
2. The only AP I took in high school was music theory. And I freaking LOVED music theory. As someone who was always pretty good at math (now not so much…) I loved that music theory was an applied version of math. Jeremy also took AP theory in high school (he was a guitar major when we first started dating). Every so often we’ll geek out on music theory stuff together. Although I have to admit I don’t remember much about music anymore.
I also took college level Spanish, pre-calc and calculus. But they weren’t AP courses.
3. I’m a classically trained musician. Growing up I played violin and piano but quit both to focus on singing. I started taking voice lessons when I was 11. While I sang a lot of show tunes, my vocal training was classically focused. I adored my voice teacher and looked forward to my weekly lessons. I go through phases where I miss singing, it used to be super therapeutic to me.
4. I have one older brother, Cody. He’s 2.5 years old than me, a phys ed teacher in Westchester and also loves musical theater (and my parents do too!).
Growing up we’d come to the city once a month or so to see a Broadway show. On the drive into the city Cody and I would sing our hearts out to our favorite musicals — usually Rocky Horror, Taboo, Seussical or Footloose. We’d also sometimes perform our favorite shows full-out in the living room…
5. My favorite musical of all time is Taboo. Taboo is about Boy George (yes, Boy George) and didn’t last very long on Broadway. My whole family and I were OBSESSED with this show. While I love In the Heights and saw American Idiot many, many, many times on broadway, Taboo will always be my favorite.
6. My favorite TV show of all time is Roseanne. I’m SO excited for the reboot in March!
7. I have a pet turtle named Tucker. I’m pretty sure he was born in February 1998 which means he’s a whopping 20 years old now. We got him when I was about to turn 8 and lives with my parents. Turtles have always been my favorite animal although I think my mom regrets letting me get turtle. They live forever.
8. Camp has always been a huge part of my life. I went to a day camp near where I grew up until I was 12 and then went to sleep-away camp in Connecticut. I still consider some of my sleep-away camp friends to be my closest friends. I also worked at the sleep-away camp for two summers. The camp has sadly since closed.
When I was in college I worked at my old day camp as the dance specialist. It was there I reconnected with Jeremy (we sort of knew each other from high school). So I guess I can thank camp for connecting me with one of my best friends as well as my boyfriend.
9. I’ve lived alone for 7+ years now. I can’t believe it’s been that long! And that I was functional enough to live alone when I was 20. That first year I basically lived off chicken tenders and matzoh ball soup from that gross diner on University Place that is now closed.
I know I am fortunate that this is a lifestyle I’m able to afford. I also know I’m in for a rude awakening when the time comes for me to live with someone else again.
10. My lucky number is 6. And 16 and 66 because they have a 6. 16 makes sense because my birthday is May 16th. For whatever reason I always liked the number 6.
11. Turquoise has always been my color. So much so my bedroom in my apartment is painted BRIGHT turquoise. Yup, that turquoise wall you see from time to time on instagram is my bedroom wall.
12. I was inspired by the movie Miracle in Lane 2 to become a soap box derby racer. I kid you not. My dad and I built the car and then I competed in the Westchester youth league a few times. I’m pretty sure the car is still in my parent’s garage…
13. I never played a team sport. Okay, I sort of played on a softball league in the third grade. But didn’t play sports in middle school or high school. My mom didn’t think I had enough time with dance classes, voice lessons, shows I was in and Hebrew school. In actuality I don’t even know what sport I would’ve played, I’m not particularly athletic. I think I would’ve liked track, though, because my friends were on the track team and it seemed like the most social sport option. But maybe not the best choice because I used to walk the mile run in gym class.
14. I took karate lessons for 5 years. I hated sparring and quit once sparring became a bigger part of the training. I’ve always been petite and short for my age so fighting kids significantly bigger than me freaked me out. I did love the fitness aspect of karate and the katas, the movement sequences that reminded me of dancing. I thank karate for teaching me how to do a bombass push-up at a young age. It’s stuck with me every since.
15. I’ve always loved writing. I didn’t realize this until recently, but I’ve always been someone who writes. When I was little I loved writing stories. I never finished them but I loved writing them. In middle school and high school I journaled every single night. In college I even kept a mini diary going. Makes sense that I would eventually start a blog and become a freelance writing.
Your turn: What are some fun facts about you?
omg you’ve lived alone for 7 years?! i’m super impressed! i’ve never lived alone before…and i miss broadway…i never got to see Taboo but I heard great things 🙁
Since junior year, it’s INSANE 🙈 And I think my family are some of the only people that managed to see Taboo during it’s short lived broadway run…