March was all about slowing down. And I really really needed it.
My big focus for April? Getting crystal f*cking clear about what it is I want. You can’t manifest and do big things if you don’t know what it is you want.
✨ April Intentions
Get clear about what you want / don’t want post grad school.
I have this blurry vision of what I want life to look like when I’m over with school.
It’s not a very specific vision. And I realized this recently. I’ve always been super generic about my actual vision for after grad school. Well, Kayla, it’s time to get real and it’s time to get specific. I think I’ve always shied away from actually saying what it is that I want because it scares me. And I’m scared to fail in the process.
I’ll go into this more below, but I’ve been on such a journaling kick lately. You’re probably sick of hearing me talk about journaling by now. But guys, it can really help you dig deep.
This month I want to focus on getting crystal clear about the vision I have for life after grad school. If I don’t know what I want, how they hell can I go after it?
Stay focused on that vision.
As I said, my vision is not super clear, but there are some things I already know to be true. And I tend to let things get in that way of that vision. I get swooned by the idea of a certain job even though it’s SO not what I actually want. I’ve been known to accept positions or freelance opportunities that weren’t aligned with my ultimate goals and the jobs end up making me miserable.
I intend to use this vision as a compass for opportunities that come my way and opportunities I seek out. If it doesn’t fit in with that vision? Thank but no thanks. Keep on moving along, Kayla.
Be loud about your goals.
Okay so I don’t 100% know what those goals are, but I’ve realized I have to start speaking up about the goals I already have. You can’t expect people to read your mind and magically offer you those opportunities. Now is the time to start putting out feelers for things that can come to fruition in June when I’m (sort of) done with school.
But also be present.
I have a tendency to get ahead of myself. To get so caught up in planning for the future that I miss what’s happening now. Yes, I gotta plan for the future. But I don’t want to get SO caught up in the future I miss out on now. That happened to me big time and high school and college. I was so so so ready for whatever was next that I completely ignored what was currently happening.
✨ What I’m Doing To Gain Clarity
Like I said above I have become a journaling MACHINE. I’ve been doing my best to incorporate morning pages into my morning routine (<— click the link for more on morning pages and why I LOVE them). It doesn’t happen every day, but on mornings I teach it’s become a pretty solid part of my routine.
Of course the ultimate goal is to make enough money doing what I love. Ain’t that the dream we all want to achieve? But I’ve been journalling a lot on this notion of getting clear about what it is exactly I love doing. I’m challenging myself to get super specific on what it is I want — what my ideal career looks like.
I’m doing this by [one] simply challenging myself to dive deeper and get more specific about what that actually looks like.
I’m also asking myself questions like:
✦ what does the perfect work day look like to me?
✦ what do I love about my current routine, what do I wish was different?
✦ what are my core values? And how can I make sure they are met in my future career path.
✦ what did I love about previous jobs I’ve had? [and god knows I’ve had A LOT of them]
I won’t pretend I have it ALL figured out after a few daily journaling sessions. I wish. Hence April being about clarity. But this practice has definitely made me feel like I’m inching towards some answers.
What intentions are you setting for April? And what tools do you use to gain clarity?
ok no joke, reading this made me feel like i was literally looking at my own thoughts on paper (or screen…). this is SO REAL. honestly i think you’re doing such an incredible job of trying to figure out what it is that you want because the truth is that most people have no idea (including me!). and that part about being present? VALID AF. i’m always worried about the next thing, but simultaneously i don’t want to wish away what i have now. it’s such a struggle!