Thank you for all the kind birthday wishes yesterday. I have to admit, in this hyper-connected age we live in there’s something special about birthdays. Hearing from friends on Facebook I haven’t spoken to in a while. Receiving texts from childhood friends, college friends, sleepaway camp friends and friends I’ve made as an “adult”. And of course hearing from all of YOU on instagram and here on the blog. You know how to make a gal feel special 🙂
Yesterday was seriously more magical than I could have imagined.
I typically teach at 6AM on Wednesdays but decided to swap around my schedule so I could take the day off. And let’s be honest, sleep in past 4:30AM. It was GLORIOUS and that alone was an amazing part of the day.
For the past 6 years I’ve burpee’d on my birthday at Uplift. They give you a free class on your birthday.
- I can’t resist a free class at Uplift!
- I’d honestly want to spend my birthday sweating there anyway.
So it always ends up being a sweaty win win.
After class I got my free Starbucks drink (isn’t free stuff on your birthday the BEST?) and then won a bike?
No seriously, I won a bike! And a very “on brand” mint green bike at that 😂
When I was walking to Uplift I noticed Silk (the soy milk brand!) was hosting a giveaway in Union Square. I didn’t have time to stop and see what was going on but I saw they were giving away bikes. I told myself if they were still there on my way home I’d test my luck — why not?
Well sure enough when I came back they were still there. And when I pulled a piece of paper out of the raffle fish bowl it said I was a winner! Talk about birthday luck? Not to mention I’m lactose intolerant so it feels pretty fitting.
I still kind of can’t believe there’s this massive bike chilling in my tiny apartment but I’m SO psyched to ride it everywhere this summer. Thank you Silk for the most ridiculous surprise birthday gift EVER.
After making lunch at home I got a massage at The Red Door spa in Union Square, a birthday gift from my parents. I can’t even remember the last time I had a massage (besides the super painful one I got in the fall with cupping) but holy moly my body needed it.
Post massage Jeremy came into the city. We got dinner at my favorite restaurant in the neighborhood, Japonica, before seeing Frozen on Broadway. Because turning 28 at a Disney musical is how I roll. We both freaking LOVED it and now I can’t stop singing Let It Go.
Yesterday’s birthday extravaganza got me thinking about that birthday state of mind.The weather sucked. It was icky and rainy all day. And I would have also loved to take a nice long walk or read in Washington Square Park. But I didn’t let it mess with my mood. Which I feel like I normally let the rain do to my mood.
Obviously every day can’t be as magical as your birthday, and I know I’m especially fortunate that I could take the day off yesterday. But what if I challenged myself to find that bit of magic in every day? To find the birthday vibes even when it’s not my birthday.
I know this feeling will wear off. It always does. But for now I’m holding onto those good vibes from yesterday. And hope you can find a bit of magic in your day too.
Your turn: What’s your favorite birthday memory?
i so appreciate the katy perry reference in the title… 😉
and i’m glad to hear you had such an incredible birthday!!! after a busy af year, you deserved at least a day to enjoy yourself and spend time with your boo! i’ve been dying to see frozen, being in LA is kind of the worst when you’re a musical lover.
ride that bday high as long as possible, boo! love you!
Couldn’t resist some Katy Perry 😂 I feel like all I wanted for my birthday was the sleep in, hahaha.
And I think Frozen will tour very very very soon if it’s not already in the works for the Pantages or Ahmanson. I think Aladin had just come finally? Which means Frozen will tour eventually.
What did you think of the crazy naked song in Frozen?? I could not handle it!
it was… interesting. But then I went home and listened to it a billion times because it was stuck in my head and I’m now in Copenhagen so I’ve been thinking about hygge non-stop 😂