Scrolling through instagram I am bombarded with pricey self-care rituals these days. Infrared saunas! Cryotherapy! Expensive Face Masks! Acupuncture! So! Many! Things!
It’s got me feeling discouraged about wellness and self-care as a whole. Like okay, I must suck at this whole wellness thing because I’m not spending money on a weekly schvitz in an infrared sauna.
I’ve talked about this before, but I want to reiterate that self-care doesn’t need to be expensive. Or cost anything. Really.
As influencers (myself included sometimes!) we are getting paid or comped to post about these extravagant wellness experiences. I know I’m guilty of sharing these things that I wouldn’t spend my own cash on. I fear it’s creating unrealistic expectations of what wellness and self-care really really are.
So with that being said I present you with a list of *free* self-care practices you can do right now. No saunas or face masks here 🙂
Free Self-Care You Can Do Right Now
1. Text a friend you haven’t talked to in a while
Is there anything more delightful than hearing from a friend you haven’t talked to in a while? Well, bring that delight to someone else. It’s super easy and required minimal effort to pick up your phone and write a text. And if you’re feeling real fancy, give ’em a call. Or don’t if you’re an introvert like me 😂
2. Journal
When I’m craving some serious self-care, journaling is my go-to practice. It’s easy. You just need a pen and some paper. And it can make you feel so. much. better.
Feeling stuck for what to journal about? Check out these prompts.
3. Meditate
I’m not the best meditator, but I do believe in the power of this practice. Meditation doesn’t have to be anything super crazy, it can be something as simple as setting a timer for 5, 10, 15 minutes and sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, listening to relaxing music or focusing on your breath. If you want something a bit more guided you can also download a meditation app or check out a free guided meditations.
4. Go for a walk
Walking is easily my number 1 self-care ritual. When I feel myself starting to get overwhelmed or stressed out I know it’s time to get some fresh air. Sometimes that means going for a long walk (and maybe picking up a latte along the way…) and sometimes that just looks like a quick walk around the block to clear my brain.
5. Listen to a podcast
Y’all know by now that I seriously love podcasts. Lately, I’ve totally ditched the business-y podcasts I used to listen to obsessively and I’ve been preferring podcasts that feel like a cozy conversation between friends.
I’m currently really loving From Where She Sits, Gal Pals, Let It Out and Armchair Expert.
6. Turn your phone on airplane mode
Anyone else get seriously overwhelmed by ALL the notifications from your phone? Take a mini social media detox and turn your phone on airplane mode for an hour. Being notification free even just for an hour can feel oh so good.
7. Put on your favorite song and dance it out for 5 minutes.
Wannabe is a good one for boosting your mood 🙂
8. Watch your favorite episode of your favorite tv show
Is there anything more comforting than watching an episode of a TV show you know you’ll love? When it doubt I put on my favorite episode of Friends (Chandler in a Box) or Sex and the City (Hot Child in the City). Instant good vibes.
9. Read a book for fun
No self-help, personal growth allowed 🙂 Just a good, fiction novel that lets you dive into another person’s world. I’m currently reading the Unhoneymooners and recently sped read my way through Love At First Like
(*affiliate links, thank you for supporting Kayla in the City)
10. 4-7-8 breathing
Have you ever tried 4-7-8 breathing? When I have a little extra time in my yoga classes I love leading this just before savasana. It’s super simple:
- Breathe in for a count of 4
- Hold the breath of a count of 7
- Exhale for a count of 8
- Repeat 3-4 times
I don’t know what it is about this breathing pattern but it always leaves me feeling way more calm.
11. Legs up the wall
Legs-up-the-wall pose isn’t just for yogis but anyone that needs a little relaxation. After a long day of teaching it feels really good on my legs, plus it’s also really great for relaxation and stress relief.
I personally am super lazy and tend to do this in my bed — the headboard on my bed makes the perfect wall.
12. Call your mom
I know for some people this sure as hell wouldn’t be a self-care ritual. But for me I know when I really need support I can count on my mama to be there for guidance and I’ll feel a million times better after chatting with her. Whoever that person is for you, call them.
13. Take a shower. Or better yet: a bath
I feel like 99% of the showers I take these days are me trying to get in, get clean, and get out as quickly as possible before I run off to my next commitment. I so love though, when I can take my sweet ass time and use all of my fancy body washes in the shower. Moreover, shower renovation with companies like Glass Shower Direct can create a good ambiance in the bathroom, which can help me relax after a stressful day. And every so often, I’ll take a bath, although not as often as I’d like.
14. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Just do it.
15. Go technology free for an hour.
It’s wild to think that I never spend an hour of my day sans technology. Except for when I’m working out. I’m going to guess that most people reading this blog are also spending most of their day looking at a screen of some sort.
Challenge yourself to go technology-free, even just for an hour. Sit outside for a bit. Go for a walk. Read a book — yes I still read actual books and don’t have an e-reader!
It can feel like such a sigh of relief to rid yourself from the constant noise and distraction.
16. Do nothing.
How often do we do nothing? Even for a few seconds.
I know I’m SO guilty of constantly looking at my phone. It’s pretty sure that I ever have a moment where I’m sitting down doing nothing. Try it, though. If you’re used to being all GO GO GO it will feel weird. But then you’ll realize it is the ultimate self-care hack. Do nothing. For 5 minutes, for 15 minutes. For an hour. See where it leads you.