I have been really hesitant to sit down and think about what I want from 2020. My word of 2020, thrive, came easily to me. But coming up with goals and intentions for the new year? That’s another story.
I don’t know what I want from 2020. And that scares me. I’m someone that usually loves dreaming about the future and what I want it to look like. But right now? Ugh, I don’t fucking know what I want.
2020 feels big and scary. Maybe it’s because I’m in my Saturn return (lol) but my life feels like it’s at this weird turning point. Right this second everything feels a bit up in the air. And that’s an unsettling feeling.
I am no longer with my long-term boyfriend.
I love what I do, but I also need to make some changes because financially I’m not where I need to be.
And I love my apartment, but I’ve been itching to move for over 2 years now.
Basically I’m feeling like a total hot mess these days. At the beginning of the new year, I usually feel energized and excited. This year I just feel overwhelmed and lost.
I’ve been slowly crafting the below list of intentions for the new year. To me an intention is a bit less tangible than a goal, it’s more of an essence you want to infuse into your life like “be more grounded.” That can look like a lot of things — learning new breathing exercises, creating a meditation practice, journaling more, doing more yoga, etc. But it’s not something you can check off a list and say DONE.
I hope these intentions inspire you to set some of your own intentions for the new year as well.
I love my routine. Ordering the same thing from Starbucks every day. Making the same thing for lunch. Sticking to the same schedule. What can I say, I’m a creature of habit.
I do want to be a bit more “adventurous” in 2020. Even just saying that scares the crap out of me! But I want to give myself permission to break free from the routine.
I’ve already gotten a head start on this intention and booked a trip to Nicaragua in March with Surf Yoga Beer. I’m a bit nervous as I don’t know anyone already signed up for the trip, but that also gets me a bit excited to do something totally outside my comfort zone. Also how bad can it be — I’ll be in paradise.
I spend way too much time on my phone aimlessly scrolling. Ugh.
One of my big goals for 2020 is to read more and scroll less. I set a goal on Goodreads that I want to read 25 books this year, so about 1 book every 2 weeks… but if I’m getting real ambitious I’d love to average about a book a week.
I’m already pretty good about reading every night before I go to sleep and in the summer I’ll read outside every chance I can. But I also want to read more in the middle of the day instead of filling that time on instagram.
This Saturday I spent most of the day on my couch reading and it was honestly the most delightful, cozy day. More Saturdays like that, please!
More REST.
This year I really want to focus on creating more SPACE in my life so I feel like I’m hustling a little less. I was still working last week and teaching here and there but it was a way more chill week than usual. Holy moly it felt like my brain could finally PAUSE and recharge.
I’ve never been good at resting. I suck at napping, I try to fill every moment of my day with something “productive.”
I feel like lately I’ve been constantly hustling try to do more more more. It’s left me feeling burnt out and tired. So I want to focus on resting more. Being kinder to myself. And hustling a bit less.
I’m heading to LA next week and am SO excited. During my 10 days there I want to focus on really giving myself permission to rest and do less. Maybe that means I won’t be posting on instagram a ton or answering emails. And that’s okay.
I’m lonely. What a fucking scary thing to admit.
My job is super social — when I’m teaching I’m ON and surrounded by people, but the moments when I’m not working at a studio have felt super lonely. I’m an introvert and need time alone to recharge… but I think it’s been too much lately.
I want to focus on staying connected to my “people” and make a conscious effort to reach out to the friends I haven’t seen in a while to plan a dinner date or something fun. I’ve also been thinking about ways I can connect with my online community IRL. I’m not sure what this will look like, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.
In 2020 I want to create more. What exactly? I don’t know.
I know I want to continue to blog as much as I can, writing is something I love. There’s a part of me that wants to get back to podcasting. I’ve even been thinking about taking up knitting or needlepoint as something crafty to do.
Instead of sitting around listening to another podcast or reading someone else’s blog post it’s time to do the creating, not just the consuming.
YOUR TURN: Did you set intentions for 2020 or a focus word?
Hi Kayla. I enjoyed your write-up for “My Intentions for 2020”. I found you are thinking along my thoughts. Changes with your boyfriend and apartment are big. While I do not have apartment issue at this time. Like you I want more traveling adventure connections reading and rest. Plus a new relationship. Thanks Kayla for providing with your thoughts. Wish there is more room to say more. Your article was great. Thanks John