Happy New Year 🙂 I hope you are having a good start to 2022 so far.
My plan for today was to share my word of the year. As I sat down to write the blog post I found myself stuck. While I love the sentiment behind having a word of the year, I’ve been really struggling to nail mine down. I’ve been going back and forth between a few options in my head, but none of them seem like the one.
It might sound silly but I started getting really frustrated with myself. I always share my word of the year ASAP! How could not have mine figured out already? This is always my first blog post of the year!!!
I could feel myself trying to force a revelation. Trying to muscle really hard to have an a-ha moment about what my word of the year should be. I literally spent yesterday walking around the city listening to various podcasts, waiting for the perfect word to jump out at me and say “THIS IS YOUR WORD FOR 2022 KAYLA!!!!!”
In my yoga classes, I oftentimes talk about finding more softness in our practice. Instead of trying to muscle our way into a pose, can we instead find more ease? I was doing the opposite IRL: I was trying the force the f*ck out of finding my word of the year.
You can’t force a revelation, though. They need to happen naturally. Yes, sometimes it takes some poking and proding. Some unpacking. But trying to force my way to a revelation because I wanted to write my word of the year blog post? That’s not useful. I didn’t want to land on a word just because I felt like I was on a tight deadline.
I’m currently reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle. One of my favorite quotes so far is “be still and know.” It’s this idea that we have all the answers within us, but sometimes we just need to get really quiet, sink in to ourselves, and listen.
So, that’s where I’m at right now with my word and intentions for the new year. I’m giving myself permission to pause and get really honest on what it is that I want rather than rushing the process because I feel obligated to share with the world by the end of this week.
Yes, it’s the first week of the year, but it’s also okay to work on your own timeline. Maybe you’re also feeling stressed at the idea of nailing down your goals for 2022. Maybe you haven’t figured out the perfect word that encapsulates everything you want.
You don’t have to have it all figured out. It might take you a few days. Or a few weeks. Or maybe you realize you’re just not feeling it this year.
You don’t have to force a revelation.