After waking up at 5:15AM the past few days I was grateful to have the chance to sleep-in this morning and rest up before a crazy day of traveling around rainy Manhattan. I’m jealous of all my teacher friends in Westchester who had snow days……
I can’t give away some of the details yet, but exciting things are happening right now. Today was definitely a big big day in taking my next step forward and I’m feeling optimistic that everything will click into place soon. I made a really big decision that I think is for the best and will ultimately make me happier and closer to my goals.
Can’t wait to share some exciting news with you guys in the near future!
dinner tonight was round 2 of scrambled eggs, zucchini and brussel sprouts
Look ma, I’m eating my veggies! Aren’t you proud?
Is it just me or does ketchup make everything taste magical?
dessert tonight was ah-mazing and courtesy of this recipe
It was finally time to christen my new food processor, and what better way than with vegan, healthy, ice cream 🙂
put a frozen banana in the food processor (I broke my banana up into 4 pieces)
add a splash of almond milk
and blend until it becomes a creamy consistency. At first you will be discouraged and feel like your ice cream attempt is a failure, but don’t worry, your frozen banana will reach it’s ice cream destiny if you keep blending it!
if you love peanut butter like I do, add a small spoonful in as well
the result? shockingly amazing ice cream.
I couldn’t resist adding chocolate syrup and sprinkles, but trust me it was gooood even with out the toppings
I might’ve found my new favorite dessert.
question of the day: what’s your dessert guilty pleasure
mine is definitelyyyy ice cream. Whenever there’s some in the freezer I can’t resist having a bowl after dinner.
It’s so hard to get up before the sun rises, especially in the winter when it’s so cold! I do that 4 days a week too, and I need lots of tea and coffee to get me through the day… Congratulations on your big step! It’s scary to make changes, so good for you for making things happen!
My guilty pleasure is definitely cupcakes, candy, cookies, potato chips… Basically if you put together a list of all things bad for you. 🙂