Class Review: 30/60/90 at Equinox in NYC. Hi friends, hope my northeastern peeps had a lovely snow day! I’m super excited to have checked out 30/60/90 at Equinox today, but first, ’bout that blizzard… I think all New Yorkers…
Well Equinox, It’s Been Swell
Oh Equinox, I will miss you so. The luxuries, the lovely refrigerated towels post workout, spacious locker rooms, roomy lockers, intense classes, and surprisingly friendly customers. Sunday I went back for another “Zen Combat” experience. The first time around I…
Equinox Day 3: Drinking the Kool-Aid at Inten-Sati
Today was the day I suddenly thought “wow, I’m hooked”. Perhaps I have gym ADD, and perhaps I am obsessed with all the pretty things Equinox has to offer, but really I have fallen in love with these three classes…
Class Review: Zen Combat at Equinox
Day 2 of my free week at the fancy Equinox on Greenwich Avenue. Tonight at Equinox I wen to “Zen Combat” with Violet Zaki. I had no idea what the expect except what my new fitness friend from the other night…
Class Review: Inner Warrior at Equinox
For the next week I will rock my finest lululemon outfits, enjoy plush towels, use kiehls products and try out every group fitness class my poor body can handle. DAY 1: Exploring and Inner Warrior Last week I snuck a…