As I mentioned previously, my current career aspiration is to be a full-time yoga teacher / fitness instructor. Since I got back from Costa Rica, I’ve been consistently teaching 8-10 classes each week. I remember when I dreamed of teaching one class…
Teaching Yoga Full-Time
It’s been over a month since I finished my masters degree. Whenever it comes up in conversation I get asked a lot of questions about what’s next for me and if I’m applying for social media positions. In short, right…
Getting Uncomfortable in Costa Rica
I’m back from my whirlwind trip to Costa Rica with The Weekend Sabbatical. Let me start off by saying WOW. What a freaking incredible experience and opportunity to be a part of. And what an incredible country to visit. I’ll…
How Yoga Teacher Training Changed My Life
Why yoga teacher training? When I mentioned I wanted to do yoga teacher training to my parents they asked why. Why yoga, of all things? At this point in my life I already had my personal training and group fitness…
🎧 Ep. #15: Finding Motivation From Within w/ Ashley Pratt
Funny story about today’s podcast guest, Ashley Pratt: We met almost 10 years ago on a teen tour in Europe. Now all these years later we’ve reconnected over our mutual love of yoga and wellness. Crazy how things like that…
How I Balance Teaching Yoga, Grad School and Freelancing
This post is sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company. As always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting Kayla in the City. It’s been about three weeks since my fall semester started. As I’ve mentioned, I’m teaching Yoga Sculpt in…
So You Just Finished Yoga Teacher Training… Now What?
I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I finished Yoga Teacher Training. And in many ways I still can’t believe that I’m a yoga teacher. Me. A Type-A, neurotic, marathoner who can barely touch her toes. A yoga…
3 Things to Consider Before Signing Up For Yoga Teacher Training
Thinking about taking the plunge and signing up for yoga teacher training? Here’s what I wish I knew before signing up: It’s been almost a year since I completed yoga teacher training — say what?! I didn’t put a ton of research…
5 Yoga Poses To Do At Your Desk
I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that sitting is the new smoking. Excellent news for anyone with a desk job which is… uh most of us. We don’t all have the benefit of a standing desk. Sometimes sitting [almost]…
Feeling Super Vulnerable as a Yoga Teacher
It’s not perfect. In fact, it’s not even that good. But this is my wheel pose. Urdhva dhanurasana. Until very recently, I avoided wheel pose at all costs. Anytime I tried, my body was just like “NOPE! Not happening.” So instead…
How I Went From Hating Yoga to Yoga Teacher
It’s so freaking crazy to think that I went from absolutely hating yoga to becoming a yoga teacher. Obviously this transformation didn’t happen overnight. I didn’t just wake up one day and say OMG I LOVE YOGA NOW!!!!!!! NAMASTE! Nah, it was more of…