the resolutioners have officially arrived at my gym! Prime time at the gym where I work was absolutely hopping tonight. While the gym-goer in me hates how crowded the gym gets with these newbies that will drop off in a few weeks, the personal trainer in me is giddy that more people are working out. Keep up the good work, resolutioners and stay strong!
Good thing my new years resolution wasn’t to workout more because my own workouts have been a bit meh lately. I was all excited to come back to the city after vacation and return to the land of group fitness, but my crazy schedule has made it difficult to attend the classes I really wanna take at my gym.
I’m terrible at motivating myself to do a workout, but early sunday morning I enjoyed the emptiness of my gym and did a nice total body workout (of course paired with a Jillian Michaels Podcast)
Generally I’m not a fan of weight machines mainly because I feel like a total goon using them but for this circuit they came in handy with the lat pull downs and rows.
Today was one of those long, crazy, amazing days in which I’ve basically been going non-stop since my alarm went off at 5:15AM. Yup. you heard me. I’ve been known to workout at 7AM, but this was a whole new level of early even for me.
I must say though, there was something beautiful about silent, dark and misty Manhattan as I walked to Starbucks at 5:50AM. Also, I had an entire subway to myself
contrary to popular belief, NYC does sometimes sleep. Kayla however, does not.
and maybe it’s because I’ve been awake for way too many hours, but today I got the awesome feeling that things are going to fall into place. hey, what more can I ask for?
question of the day: do you prefer to workout with machines or free weights?
anyone else out there feel like a goon using the machines? 🙂
Just curious: What percentage of your “resolutioners” will quit within the next two months?
I hate resolutioners at the gym!! haha I try to stay away from the gym this time of year! I usually like free weights, I never feel like I get the same kind of workout from machines!!