There is a lot more to yoga than just the physical practice! There are actually 8 limbs of yoga which are meant to help you lead a meaningful purposeful life. Each limbs builds upon previous one.
Yamas are a set of ethical rules within yoga philosophy and include non-violence, inner truth, non-stealing, moderation, and non-possessiveness
The Niyamas deal with self-discipline and your own habits like cleanliness, contentment, and self-study.
Asana is the physical practice of yoga including the poses you typically see in a yoga class like downward dog or savasana.
Pranayama refers to breath work and techniques used to master the connection between your breath, mind, and emotions.
Pratyahara is using things like incense to shift your focus inward.
Dharana is concentration and doing things like slowing down your thinking process by shifting your focus to an object.
Dhyana is meditation or an uninterrupted flow of concentration.
The final limb is samadhi or a state of inner bliss. This can take many shapes and forms.