What Are the NIYamas of Yoga?

In yoga philosophy there are these things called the niyamas or inner observances. By focusing on the niyamas we work towards being a better version of ourselves.

Yama #1 SAUCHA:  Purity or Cleanliness

This can mean quite literally being clean and taking a shower but also mean letting go of bad habits

Yama #2 SANTOSHA: Contentment

Have you ever said: I'll be happen when I get that promotion or am in a relationship? Santosha is a reminder to be content where you are at now, and not just where you want to be.

Yama #3  TAPAS Self Discipline

There are many aspects of our life that require self-discipline be it taking the time for our yoga practice or making the time to do something we've said we're going to do.

Yama #4 Svadhyayay:   Self Study

Yoga is a practice of getting to know yourself. Svadhyayay refers to taking the time to reflect which can look like journaling, connecting with your yoga practice, therapy, or other ways to reflect inward.

Yama #5 Ishvara Pranidhana:  Surrender

Release your attachment to the outcome so that you can be present.

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